Free to become all that God wants us to be

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: Satan's purpose is to prevent humans from reflecting the image of God and achieving their potential. The kingdom of darkness exists to steal, kill, and destroy. Jesus came to give life and establish a kingdom of light and truth. Only in his name can we confront the power of evil and realize our full potential. His sacrifice on the cross made it possible for us to be free from the dominion of Satan and pursue our destiny.

The purpose of Satan, the great destroyer of life and potential, is that no human being ever fully reflects the image of God in his life. The incessant activity of the powers of evil that rule the world is devoted to a single purpose - to prevent a child in a favela in Brazil or a village in Africa, nurturing dreams of greatness while caring for his dirty and hungry little brothers, from achieving an education, or eat enough to develop healthily and become a successful man and a blessing to his community.

The kingdom of darkness exists and moves only "to steal and kill and destroy." The dark powers that illegitimately rule this fallen world identify very early every human being who has the potential to develop and bless humanity with their gifts. They do everything in their power to smash his dreams, to stumble him in his efforts at self-realization.

Christ has said in his word: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full ”(Jn 10:10). "The thief" is Satan, who embodies the principle of evil that opposes everything that affirms light, life and love. God's purpose in sending Jesus as his exclusive ambassador to the world is to establish a Kingdom of light and truth, a new government aimed at the restoration of life. God wants the original purposes that governed his creative work in the act of Creation to rule human life again.

Christ becomes a transmitter of unlimited power from the throne of God to His creation. That benevolent power wants to give life to nations, eradicate poverty, war and oppression. He wants to make possible all the reforms and transformations in the human sphere that the great idealists of all times have given their lives and talents to carry out. He wants each man or woman to reach the fullness of their potential, that we stop living broken lives, full of envy for the achievements of others, managing to live our own heroic drama, climbing our own mountains and realizing our own great dreams.

Only Christ has the power and authority to confront the power of evil and push it back. Only in his Name, Name above all names, can man successfully undertake the task of his own emancipation. The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, the shedding of his blood, satisfied a mysterious need for cosmic justice, and made it possible for the devil's legalistic accusations and claims against a humanity that had offended God to be satisfied and neutralized. Redeemed by the sacrifice of Christ, we are free from the dominion of Satan and hell, free from all debt and all accusation; free to pursue our destiny and become all that God wants us to be.

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