Jesus Christ is the firstborn of all creation
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
When Paul says that Jesus is the firstborn of all creation, he is not saying that Jesus was born at a particular time or that he was the first creature created. Instead, he is saying that Jesus is the main model, the prototype, from which all creation takes its directives and acquires its characteristics and qualities. Just as God is the firstborn of all humanity because he is the model and prototype for us, Jesus is the model and prototype for all of creation. Therefore, all creation reflects the qualities of Jesus Christ, just as we reflect the characteristics of God. The word "firstborn" does not only mean the one who is born first, but it also means the one who has the highest authority and importance. Therefore, Jesus is not just the first of many, but he is the only one from whom all creation derives its qualities.Paul says that Jesus is: "The firstborn of all creation." The apostle Paul with that image is trying to affirm once again and how to drive the nail with this idea that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, he is God himself.
What the apostle Paul is saying when he says that he is the firstborn, is not saying that he is the first born of creation because in that case there would be a date as Jehovah's Witnesses wrongly say that happens with Jesus Christ. The word that is translated into Spanish: first-born is the word: prototocos where the word in Spanish comes from, prototype, for example, it means, it is like a fundamental model, it is like what is used as a base to later make a series of copies of something. It is done first before making an airplane that is sold in series, first a prototype is made, a prototocos and then from that first-born airplane, let's say, then all the other airplanes are created.