Jesus will not lose any of those that His Father has given Him

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

RESUMEN: The Lord is like a shepherd who seeks and saves His lost sheep. He finds His chosen ones and draws near to them in grace, even if they have strayed far from the path of truth and holiness. He will not lose any of those that His Father has given Him. This is a matter of honor for Jesus, who is both a trailing shepherd and a saving shepherd.

This He does at first when His elect are like lost sheep who do not know the shepherd and the flock. How wonderfully the Lord finds His chosen ones! Jesus is great in both His character of a trailing shepherd and a saving shepherd. Although many of those given to Him by His Father would have come as close to the gates of hell as they could have, without However, the Lord, after searching and searching, discovers them and draws near to them in grace. He has recognized us: let us have good hope for those who are placed in our hearts so that we pray for them, for He will find them too.

The Lord repeats this process when any member of His flock strays from the pastures of truth and holiness. They could fall into grave error, sad sin, and atrocious harshness; but, however, the Lord, who has become a guarantee on their behalf before His Father, will not tolerate that any of them go so far as to perish. He, by His providence and by His grace, will follow you to strange lands, to abodes of poverty, to caves of darkness, to depths of despair; He will not lose any of those that His Father has given Him. For Jesus, seeking and saving the entire flock is, without exception, a matter of honor. What promise do I have to argue with her, if at this hour I am forced to cry out: "I have wandered like a lost sheep."

Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Translation by Allan Roman.

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