God will never forsake us

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

SUMMARY: God's choice of His people is based on His love for them, and He will not forsake them. His love never changes and He will not tarnish His glory. He has worked wonders in us and will not undo the creation of His grace. Jesus died for us and will not abandon us. He continues to love us to the end.

God's choice of His people is the reason for Him to remain with them and not forsake them. He chose you because of His love, and He loves you because of His choice. Their own will is the source of His choice, and His choice is the reason for His continuing pleasure in them. It would be a disgrace to His great name for him to forsake you , for it would show either that He made a mistake in His choice, or that He was fickle in His love. God's love has this glory: it never changes, and He will never tarnish this glory.

For all the memories of the previous mercies of the Lord, we must be sure that he will not forsake us. He who has gone so far to make us His people will not undo the creation of His grace. He has not worked such wonders in us to forsake us after all. His Son Jesus died for us, and we can be sure that he did not die in vain. Could He abandon those for whom He shed His blood? Since He has been pleased to choose us and save us up to now, it will be His pleasure to bless us still. Our Lord Jesus is not a changeable lover. Having loved His own, He continues to love them to the end.

Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Translation by Allan Roman.


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