Jesus the good shepherd

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In John 10, Jesus presents himself as the good Shepherd and His followers as His sheep. This image has several practical implications for the Christian life. Firstly, Christ is the Door through which one enters into a relationship with God. Secondly, Christ promises to guide His followers throughout their journey. Thirdly, Christ guides His followers through the Holy Spirit. Fourthly, despite their limitations and sins, Christ's followers can enter into a relationship with Him with confidence. Fifthly, the Shepherd relationship invites a rich and intimate relationship with Christ. Sixthly, the Christian journey is difficult, but Christ always provides a solution. Seventhly, a sheepish attitude of obedience and surrender is necessary. Eighthly, this attitude is formed through life's trials. Finally, Christ's example of submitting to His Father's will is a model for His followers. This image of Christ as the Good Shepherd is unique to Christianity and reflects an intimate relationship between God and His followers.

The image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd invites us to understand that we are not alone on the Christian journey. We may have many struggles and difficulties, but Christ promises to be with us every step of the way. The Christian life is not a set of prohibitions but rather a relationship of intimate friendship with a merciful and compassionate God. We must come to Christ with the attitude of a sheep ready to hear the voice of the shepherd, obedient, submissive, and delivered. Living the Christian life may be difficult at times, but the key is to surrender to God and trust in His guidance.

The speaker reflects on the image of the shepherd and sheep in the Bible, emphasizing the importance of being like a sheep - obedient, submissive, and delivered to the shepherd's care. He believes that many people come to the Church with a worldly attitude, lacking humility and respect for authority. He encourages people to study the Word of God and submit to its authority, respecting their pastors and leaders. He emphasizes that the Good Shepherd is faithful, compassionate, and merciful, and will guide and protect his sheep through trials and difficulties. The speaker concludes by asking people to surrender their lives to the Lord and trust in his care.

The Lord presents himself as the good Shepherd, Jesus the good Shepherd. So chapter 10 of John, we're going to start with verse 11 and we're going to go up to verse 18. The Lord says: "I am the good Shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. But the hired man who is not the shepherd, whose sheep are not his own" that is, they are not his but they are simply paying him money for his work, a salaried employee but he is not the owner of the sheep, "the salaried man who is not the shepherd, Whose sheep are not his, he sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches the sheep and scatters them."

"So the hired man runs away because he is a hired man and he doesn't care about the sheep" and one could say but in this case, "but I am the good Shepherd and I know my sheep, and mine know me.

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