Jesus is the center of the life of the Church

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The epistle of Colossians focuses on the person of Jesus Christ and teaches the importance of a strong devotional life. Jesus is the center of the Church and everything the believer requires for a powerful life. The apostle Paul corrects errors regarding Jesus in the Colossian community, emphasizing Jesus as the source of all power and identity as Christians. The Bible calls us to fix our eyes on Jesus Christ, especially in these dangerous times of spiritual warfare. The Holy Spirit is calling the worldwide Christian community to refocus on Jesus Christ for a powerful, evangelistically effective Church.

Colossians is a wonderful epistle because like no other epistle in the New Testament it focuses us on the person of Jesus Christ and teaches us how important it is for believers to place great importance in our devotional life.

Jesus is the center of the life of the Church. In Him there is power, in Him there is salvation, in Him there is energy for the Christian life, in Him is everything that the believer requires to have a powerful, effective life that bears fruit for the glory of His Name. And so it is very important that we always use Jesus as the basis of all our vitality and of all the things that we aspire to do and to do in the Christian life.

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