Jericho, God's methodology

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: This sermon is based on Joshua, chapter 6, which tells the story of the Israelites' conquest of the city of Jericho. The city was well fortified and seemed impossible to conquer, but God gave Joshua specific instructions on how to do it. The first principle the sermon highlights is to base our lives on the specific promises of God. God had promised Joshua that he would give him the city, and God has given us specific promises in the Bible that we can trust. The second principle is to follow God's instructions, even if they seem strange or difficult. The Israelites had to march around the city for six days and then shout on the seventh day, but when they followed God's instructions, the walls of Jericho fell. The third principle is to have faith in God's power to do the impossible. The Israelites faced an impossible situation, but they trusted in God's power to give them victory. The fourth principle is to obey God's timing. Joshua told the people not to shout until he gave them the signal, and they obeyed. The fifth principle is to give God the glory. The Israelites gave God the glory for their victory over Jericho. The sermon encourages us to apply these principles to our own lives when we face difficult situations, trusting in God's promises, following his instructions, having faith in his power, obeying his timing, and giving him the glory.

The speaker discusses three ways to enter into the blessing and favor of God. The first is to base your actions on specific promises from God, as well as the general blessing and favor of God that comes with being a child of God. The second is to exercise faith and increase it by starting with small things and saturating your mind with the word of God. The speaker shares personal experiences and examples to illustrate these points.

The sermon emphasizes the importance of trusting in God's promises and living a life of faith. It encourages saturating one's mind with the word of God, declaring God's promises verbally, and obeying God's instructions. It also emphasizes the power of persistence, prophetic acts, and trusting in God's methodology. The sermon concludes with a prayer for God to unleash His supernatural power and gifts upon the congregation.

Joshua, chapter 6. I invite our sister Marlene to project this reading on Joshua, chapter 6. I call this sermon here The Taking of Jericho: God's Folly or God's Folly. I mean that the folly of God is wiser than all the wisdom of men.

You remember that we have been involved in this passage for two Sundays that comes from the book of Joshua and it is something that we entered without knowing that we were entering a mine of teaching prayer, based only on that thought that God put in my heart about why you have never been here before. a call to an expectation of something great and on time that God has for us very close in time and that is something unusual, new, different, not familiar ground, and that therefore we have to follow God's guidelines, as we said last Sunday.

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