Tactic and strategy

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: God's methods and strategies are infallible and cannot be understood by human understanding. The city of Jericho was conquered by Joshua by following God's instructions to the letter. The city was given over to depravity and disobedience, but a remnant was saved, including Rahab who became part of Jesus' genealogy. Sin has dire consequences, but God never tires of calling us to repentance and salvation. Christ established his church to be an instrument of salvation and to work where he is working. We should blow the Shofar, the trumpet, and praise the Lord to see the walls of iniquity fall.

God's methods of accomplishing his purposes are infallible. Do not try to understand their strategies because it will be impossible. Their tactics? Do not imagine it. Strategy is the art of directing action, tactics the art of executing it. It is that God is unusual in his behavior because he is sovereign. When a God-fearing people decide to submit to his will, any action on their behalf makes sense. On the contrary, the people who intentionally decide on corruption and debauchery as a way of life and turn their backs on it, cannot hope for anything good. This was the case of Jericho that Joshua would conquer, the so-called city of the moon and also the city of palm trees (Deut. 34.3). The Jericho where Jesus walked centuries later, near the Jordan where he would also be baptized and not far from the desert place where he overcame temptations, the city where Zacchaeus was "born again."

The inhabitants and warriors of Jericho could not have suspected that the wall would fall with the sound of an instrument of praise such as the leather bugle (Shofar) and the unanimous cry of the hosts of God (Joshua 6:20). A strategy similar to that used for the Jordan crossing is repeated. The priests at the forefront and the Ark of God instilling confidence before the army of the Lord. If God is ahead, we must not doubt the victory. So what shall we say to this? If God is for us, who will be against us?

Other publications related to "Tactic and strategy":

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Jericho, God's methodology
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