Is there something impossible for God?

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: Sin leads to destruction and locks humans up in the prison of folly. We should not judge those who are ignorant of God, but love them as ourselves. God has the power to change the skin of the Ethiopian and make a new creature out of nothing. Christ is not only able to straighten crooked trunks, but he can make new trees. We should share the gospel with those who have not surrendered to the Lord and trust in his saving grace. We should allow Christ to live his life through us and invite others to do the same.

Sin uproots the human being, annihilates him in life, locks him up in the prison of folly and in the stubbornness of the fight for nothing. Believing he is taking life like a bull by the horns and aspiring to defeat it with the forces of desires for success and fanfare, man walks towards his own destruction , towards eternal death. The stubbornness in making sin an addiction leads him to a dead end. Man, even holding paper titles and awards, continues to be ignorant of the divine. We are not qualified by God to judge such ignorance. Before making a judgment that is not ours, we must love them. Isn't that what the first commandment that Jesus left us says? God has not given us permission to judge our neighbor, but rather gave us a command that we seldom apply to our own lives: to love our neighbor as ourselves.

There is an old adage that says "a tree that is born crooked never straightens its trunk." As if there was something impossible for God! Those who believe such things do not know the power of the Holy Spirit, they have not experienced in their own flesh or that of others, the indescribable abundance of God's grace.

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