A sovereign God who has mysterious purposes

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The passage of Naaman and Elisha teaches us about a sovereign God with mysterious purposes who wants to instill character in us and lead us to be more like Jesus Christ. Naaman was a great general of Syria, an enemy nation of Israel, but God had used him to bring salvation to Syria. This shows the complexity of God's movements in our lives, and we should never underestimate them. God may be disciplining us and trying to give us a message so that we get closer to Him and seek more of Him, even if it seems contradictory.

Naaman and Elisha (2 Kings 5)

In this series about the king of Syria and the prophet Elisha, Dr. Miranda explains that God not only wants to address your needs, but also work on your personality.

1 A sovereign God who has mysterious purposes

2 God uses tribulations to prepare scenes of great beauty

3 We must bear witness to our God anywhere

4 Let's be diligent in our life

5 We cannot import the patterns of the secular world into the Christian world

6 In the Kingdom of God there is power but that power is unleashed through humility

7 How do we react in times of pressure?

8 A treatment for pride

In the well-known passage of Naaman and Elisha there are many truths and teachings that tell us about a sovereign God who has mysterious purposes, who sometimes moves in ways we cannot understand, who is moving even in times of trial and error. difficulties in our life and who always wants to glorify himself in all matters of our life.

God wants to show us spiritual lessons that build us in our character and that allow us to know him better, and not only as we sometimes think, give us a quick solution to our problems and get us out of a jam, but God also wants to instill character in us, work in our inner being and lead us to be every day more and more like Jesus Christ, and glorify him in our lives, and with our behavior, and not only be there giving us what we ask for and keeping us as spoiled children that as we are used to always receiving from our dad what we want, because then we become proud and dependent people in a way that is almost parasitic on God instead of also being contributors and actors, and providers for the Kingdom of God and its holy purposes.

Other publications related to "A sovereign God who has mysterious purposes":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The kingdom methodology
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Dr. Roberto Miranda
A treatment for pride
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God is never in a hurry
Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the story of Naaman, highlighting how God humbles our reasoning to open us up to the humility and proper disposition needed for Him to work miracles in our lives. He emphasizes the importance of looking beyond external appearances and focusing on internal values, and how Gods breaking process is part of His plan for our improvement.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Naaman's grateful attitude
This article discusses the story of Naamans healing and the change in his attitude towards authority. The author emphasizes the importance of submitting to legitimate authority and having integrity in Gods servants.

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We cannot import the patterns of the secular world into the Christian world
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda emphasizes the importance of not importing secular patterns into the Christian world by using the story of Naaman seeking healing and operating according to his patterns of power and authority. The lesson is to humble ourselves before God and let Him do what He wants in our lives.

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God uses tribulations to prepare scenes of great beauty
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In the Kingdom of God there is power but that power is unleashed through humility
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Let's be diligent in our life
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Great faith in God and great disbelief of people who only look at the now
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