Hallowed be thy name

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: Humanity was created to worship God and acknowledge His majesty. Before expressing our needs to Him, we must first sanctify Him and honor Him. We should be inveterate worshipers, perpetually intoxicated by the sense of God's glory. When our hearts are filled with worship and delight in God, we can confidently ask for our requests in line with His will. Our lives will bring delight to the Creator who made us for His glory and honor.

Humanity was created to worship God. A human being does not find his reason for being or the purpose of his existence until he reverently prostrates himself at the feet of the Creator and renders him glory and honor. We cannot be truly human without bowing our heads before the majesty of the Father and acknowledging that we are mere creatures, created to glorify him and express his creativity and power.

Every time we approach God to communicate with Him through prayer, we must first sanctify Him, honor Him, point out His majesty. This will be a sign that we put Him first. His honor and holiness must take precedence over our own requests and wishes. Before expressing our needs to him, we must express to him our reverence, our desire that his Name, his Person, be recognized in all its greatness and majesty.

Rather than being servants of God, we must be inveterate worshipers, perpetually intoxicated by the sense of God's glory. Our greatest pleasure should be to lift our eyes heavenward many times a day and worship God, expressing our gratitude for all his blessings and wonders. The psalmist puts it this way: "Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, and takes great delight in his commandments" (Psalm 112: 1). Psalm 37 says: "Delight yourself also in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart."

When our hearts are filled with a sense of worship and delight in God, then we are free to ask confidently, knowing that our requests will be in line with his will. God will be happy to grant us our prayers, and our lives will bring delight to the One who created us for his glory and honor.

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