My god is worthy

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: God created humans in his image and likeness, giving us natural dignity that was contaminated by sin. Only in Christ can we restore this dignity and become worthy of God's mercy and grace. We are called to live in a way worthy of our calling and reflect God's morality and integrity. Deification is a contagious disease that spreads rapidly among Christians who seek to be worthy of praise. Man is only worthy insofar as he reflects God in his morality and integrity. The church must play a committed role in defending human dignity, respect, and the right to life. Let us be worthy heirs of a condition that we did not deserve and that only God's amazing love achieved.

Since creation, God has imprinted the human being with a stamp of dignity for a simple reason: we were made in his image and likeness. Dignity has to do with virtue, morality, integrity and honor. Paul reminds us "Because those whom God knew beforehand, he also predestined to be transformed according to the image of his Son "(Ro 8.29). And the writer of Hebrews highlights this impressive idea: The Son is the radiance of God's glory, the faithful image of what he is, and the one who sustains all things with his mighty word. (Heb 1.3a). So we can safely say that God dignified us with a natural dignity by creating us. Sin entered humanity, contaminated that blessing and only in Christ can we restore it. Thanks to that restoration, we only become worthy of God's infinite mercy and grace through the inscrutable merits of Christ.

Even so, God wants his children to be upright, honorable, decent, and adhere to an ethic founded on the foundations of salvation; worthy of his love, of his grace. We were made to reflect the image of God, to be completed in Christ, the potter who constantly redesigns our hearts to conform to the criteria of holiness that glorifies his name.

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