God's everlasting love for Israel

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The position of the Lion of Judah Church is to support Israel strongly, based on the belief that the Bible is a legal and archaeological document that establishes the perpetual right of Jews to occupy their land. The Church believes that God has delegated and delivered the land in a perpetual, irrevocable way, to the Jewish people, and that no matter what historical complexities they have suffered in the time since they were expelled from that land, they have the right to it. The Church cites biblical passages, such as Genesis 12 and 17, to support their position. The Church also believes that Jerusalem belongs to Jehovah and should not be negotiated or divided by Israel. The Church encourages Christians to bless and seek the good of Israel and warns against cursing or persecuting them.

The speaker discusses the special relationship that God has with Israel and the prophecies in the Bible about Israel's perpetual inheritance of the land of Canaan. The speaker also notes that God has a deal with the Arab people, who are also descendants of Abraham, but clarifies that God's covenant is with Isaac and his descendants. The speaker acknowledges that Israel is not a perfect nation, but emphasizes that God loves them and has a special deal with them. The speaker also notes that many prophecies in the Bible refer to the return of Israel to Jerusalem and the coming of the Messiah.

The speaker discusses the many prophecies in the Bible regarding the return of Israel to Jerusalem and the coming of the Messiah. He emphasizes God's love for Israel and the poetic language used to describe it in the Scriptures. He also acknowledges Israel's difficult history and God's punishment of the nation for their rebelliousness. The speaker cites passages from Jeremiah and Isaiah that speak of God's intentions for Israel, including their return to the land and their eventual belief in Jesus Christ as their Messiah. Despite the challenges faced by the Jewish people throughout history, the speaker emphasizes God's irrevocable love and commitment to them.

The love of God for Israel is irrevocable and unbreakable, as seen in the scriptures of Isaiah and Jeremiah. Despite accusations against Israel, God has always advocated for them. Christians should not be arrogant towards Israel and must love and pray for them. We should also pray for peace and understanding among all nations in the Middle East and Europe.

One of the things I wanted to discuss is: What is the position of our Church with respect to Israel? Because today there is a lot of controversy regarding Israel, and even among the Christian people here in the United States for example, and in Europe, in other parts of the world, not all Christians agree on what the position should be. Regarding Israel, some say yes, Israel is a good nation, it has the right to exist like any other nation, but we don't have to be supporting them so strongly, because the Palestinians and the Arabs also have their own rights. Israel has made serious mistakes and some think, for example, that Israel unnecessarily oppresses the Palestinian people on the border near Israel where there is a kind of Palestinian-Israeli ghetto.

And some people are offended about that. There are even Jews who attack Israel for its national conduct towards the Palestinians and all this. So there's a lot of difference of opinion about this, our Church, I think most of us here here have great love and are very passionate in our support and our support for the nation of Israel, and we don't really have that ambiguity and that ambivalence with respect to Israel, and it is the official position of this Church, and I also want to strengthen you by explaining to you why we adopt that position with respect to Israel, because we need to know what we believe and why we believe it. We believe, although we are also very aware, very upright and very lovers of the Word, that perhaps they do not share such a solid and clear position with respect to Israel.

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