Cultivating a life of faith

Fanny Rodríguez
Fanny Rodríguez

SUMMARY: GPS helps us find directions when we don't know the route. Similarly, Abraham trusted God to guide him to the promised land. In our daily walk, we need direction and guidance from the Holy Spirit, who gives us wisdom and solutions to problems. We must consult our GPS, the Word of God, and pray constantly. By doing so, we can discern God's will and find direction for every situation.

Technological advance continues and now we have a device called GPS (Global Positioning System) that allows us to determine the position of a person or vehicle with an accuracy of up to centimeters. This resource helps us find directions when we do not know the route to our destination. We install it in the car, we indicate the direction to which we want to go and along the way it guides us to the place. A voice is directing us giving specific instructions: take the next right, at the roundabout take the second exit immediately turn left. The driver not knowing the route confidently follows the voice instructions knowing that it will take him to the place where he is going. Indeed you get to the desired place. However, on occasions where we recognize the neighborhood and take a shortcut that has not given us the voice, then the voice begins to say relocating; once you discover the deviation we have taken, continue to give us instructions.

There is a character in the Bible, Abraham, whom God asked to leave his land, his relatives, (Genesis 12: 1) take his wife and go to the place that He would indicate. Abraham did not know where he was going, nor the route to follow; But God directed him on his journey and he did not take other routes but continued with the certainty that God would take him to the place that He Himself had promised. During the trip he has some setbacks because he wanted to take shortcuts and rely on his knowledge to resolve conflicts. One of them in the land of Egypt where for fear of being killed, he lied to Pharaoh saying that his wife was his sister; but God delivered him from this and every problem until he was brought to the promised land.

In our daily walk we also need direction and on many occasions we do not know clearly which route to take. In the Word of God we find clear guidance for every situation in our life; this is the Life Manual. Now in times of difficulty we must consult our GPS, the Holy Spirit He is the one who gives us wisdom not only to find direction but also to find a solution when we try to solve something by our means and end up in a conflict. Psalm 55: 16-17 tells us that God hears our cry; but it also suggests that we must cry out to Him at all times "Evening and morning and at noon I will pray and cry out."

Heavenly Father, thank you for your word, which is a light on my path and if I let myself be guided by it, I will not be wrong. Help me to take time daily to be in Your presence and to feed myself with Your Word so that when difficult moments come I can discern Your will and verify that in You we find direction for every situation large or small. Bless everyone who reads this message and may their Faith in You and your Word be as real as the Faith of Abraham.

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