Faith makes you a winner

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: There is a weak faith that does not trust and is easily shaken by circumstances, and this kind of faith does not come from God. True faith is a fruit of the Spirit and leads to conquering the unimaginable. God wants us to believe in Him at all times, not just in peaceful moments. Faith is the perfect antidote to the devil's hatred and the spiritual war that Christians face every day. We should offer God our faith, hope, and love, and trust in Him as our Savior and finisher of faith. Let go of crutches and embrace true faith, as it makes us winners. God bless you!

There is a faith that does not arrive, that is much smaller than the mustard seed; who does not know how to wait, who is restless, who is intimidated by the accolades that precisely produce the experiences that we weave for being so stubborn and continuing to put trust in ourselves, or in that person, Christian or Gentile, who is as sinful as we are . A faith that faints, which is circumstantial because it comes to you at times and is not always there to give you courage, because it springs to the senses when the storm smells of terror and your thoughts go out of your way like wild horses that broke their harness to run to the four winds, without direction ... without God. That kind of faith overpowers you, leaves you ruined inside, inert, listless, defeated before you even think of battle or waging it. The saddest thing of all is that we have already drunk enough of the unadulterated spiritual milk that is the Word of God, and we have long ceased to be children in faith. However, we walk with Christ as if we had crutches, we do not advance, we do not reach him, we do not exalt him. That faith, my brothers, does not come from God.

If you are of Christ, one of those chosen by the Most High to occupy a position of honor in the hosts of the Lord of all Lords, faith cannot be just a nightgown to walk through the nights of prayer in prayer requesting a thousand favors from the Lord. God of your salvation, because if He saved you, you should know that you already have an excellent portion of faith that you need to grow in your intimacy with Him. Only in intimacy with God, in your personal devotion, in your share of passion for knowledge. of his eternal power and perfect attributes, faith, which is also the fruit of the Spirit, can lead you to conquer the unimaginable.

God does not believe in the capital gains that you can offer them, but in your heart covered with faith; He wants you to believe in Him at all times, in all places, and not only in peaceful dawns when, without trying, His peace comes to you and His love floods you; but also when the evil lion, always roaring, gives you one of his heartbreaking bites to test… your faith.

God hates sin, but loves the sinner; the devil loves us to sin and hates us for the simple fact of being God's children. Against this visceral hatred, saving faith, not intellectual or occasional, is the perfect antidote to not allow ourselves to be inoculated by the poison of the fallen angel. It is the spiritual war that Christians are subjected to every day and that war is overcome with faith in Christ, our Savior and finisher of faith. If you have believed in Him, when you look back, do not look back on your failures, but on the Cross, there happened the most wonderful act of love and faith so that today you can look to the future trusting in the one you love today because He loved you first. since then. Offer Him your faith, clinging to hope and love for Him and for your neighbor. That is the essence of a life of trust in those who did not skimp to die to give us the gift of eternity if our submission and obedience go hand in hand, intertwined by the unbreakable and vigorous thread of faith. Let go of the crutches, because faith, my brother and sister, makes you the winner! God bless you!

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