Everything you do has spiritual effects

Gregory Bishop
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The physical world and the spiritual world are connected, and our physical actions can have spiritual effects. We are called to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God and worship Him with our physical actions. However, it's important not to fall into a superstitious mentality and believe that certain objects or actions are blessed or cursed. The apostle Paul warns against false teachings that focus on rules and taboos, and reminds us that true holiness comes from our relationship with Christ. Our actions should be guided by our faith and love for God, not by superstition or empty rituals.

The focus should be on a personal relationship with Jesus, not on rules and superstitions. We need to die to our old selves and focus on living for Christ. We should do everything in the name of Jesus, with love and compassion, and seek to glorify God in everything we do, both in the church and in the world. We should flee from sin, especially sexual immorality, and remember that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. We were bought with a price and should glorify God in our bodies and spirits.

Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, and we should live in holiness to glorify God. Even if we have damaged our bodies, we can still be used by God for good if we repent and offer ourselves as living sacrifices. We should not feel shame or guilt, but rather embrace the love and grace of God. We can be channels of God's glory in the world through our bodies.

Today what we are going to talk about is how the spiritual world is combined with the earthly world, especially in our life, physical that what I do with my body, how I move, how I speak, how I look, has spiritual effects, we are spiritual beings, and holiness is more than something that must be done, it is something that enters the flow of the Holy Spirit, of our lives, that opens our lives to the move of God supernaturally through us. So those are the things we're going to talk about.

I invite you to open in Romans 12, Romans chapter 12, which says the following: "So, brothers, I beg you for the mercy of God, that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, do not conform to this century if not that you be transformed by means of the renewal of your understanding so that you may verify what is the good will of God, pleasing and perfect". God through his word begs us to deliver what?, our spirit?, amen, but also our physical body, as if we were that goat, there on the altar, the problem is that we are alive, so we can also try to escape from the altar, but the idea is that it is something physical, we say Lord here I am, I am yours, my body, as You have made me, with everything perfect and everything imperfect, I am yours, and I give myself to you.

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