Every great call implies a deformation

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The passage of scripture being analyzed is found in Genesis 25 and 27 and focuses on the lives of two characters, Samson and Esau. These characters are used as a graphic illustration of the principle of consecration and the call to lead deformed lives, meaning lives that are abnormal in the eyes of the world due to the special identity and calling given by God. Samson and Esau both had a destiny marked for them from birth, but they failed to live up to their call and instead wanted to live a normal life. The consequence of their failure was tragic, leading to their destruction. Jacob and Esau represent the masculine and feminine elements of human personality, respectively, and their personalities affect their ability to comprehend the spiritual world. Esau, with his masculine mind, cannot compute or combine the world of the Spirit with the same complexity as Jacob, who has a more feminine personality.

The author discusses the importance of developing both the masculine and feminine aspects of our psyche to be truly complete. Esau, with his masculine mind, cannot comprehend the world of the Spirit as deeply as Jacob, who has a more feminine personality. Esau had a spiritual calling but did not nurture his spiritual capacity, while Jacob pursued a lifestyle that enabled him to think in terms of the birthright, which required a more meditative, sedentary lifestyle that cultivated more of the feminine aspect of his personality. The author emphasizes that every great call implies a deformation, and Christians must be willing to accept a degree of deformation in their lives and live focused and concentrated on one thing. Living a lukewarm life may lead to disaster, and the Christian by definition is an abnormal being, focused on a single thing. The author warns against the Gospel of Gracias Baratas and encourages people to live up to their call and not waste their gifts.

The story of Esau and Jacob in the Bible shows the dangers of living a mediocre life and not treasuring one's gifts and callings. Esau gave up his birthright, his spiritual leadership, for a plate of food, showing how easily we can exchange something infinitely valuable for temporary satisfaction. Jacob, on the other hand, lived his life obsessed with only one thing, his identity summed up in his struggle with Esau, embodying the constant battle between the flesh and the spirit. It is important to discern the value of our choices and not sell our souls for temporary pleasures. We must be spiritually prepared for the tests and trials that come our way and have a bank reserve with God. Thinking in symbolic, supernatural terms is crucial for success in the spiritual realm, but few Christians in the 21st century know how to do this.

The story of Jacob and Esau illustrates powerful spiritual principles. It shows that God does not always favor the one who has the biological right, but rather the one who aligns with His principles and has a perfect heart towards Him. Jacob, the Gentile people, received the birthright covenant because they discerned the call of God and affiliated with Jesus. Meanwhile, the Jewish people wasted their birthright and despised their call to be an abnormal people. However, God still has a purpose for the Hebrews, and in the end, He will restore that purpose. In the meantime, God calls us to live up to our identity and calling, to define ourselves, purify ourselves, surrender to His principles, and live a life consumed by Him. This requires paying the price, living a life of total dedication, and being baptized with the same baptism as Jesus. We need to live an abnormal life in the most beautiful way in the Word, filled with the Holy Spirit. God calls us to be a thin Church, full of His strength and sacrificing everything in the spiritual exercises that make us dangerous to hell and useful to Him.

I want to invite you to analyze with me a passage of scripture, which is found in the first passage of the Bible, obviously Genesis, we are going to go first to chapter 25, you will remember that I told you the last time two Sundays ago that I was going to be talking about of two characters that the scripture shows us, which are like a graphic illustration of the principles that we have been dealing with in recent weeks, principles of definition, principles of focus, principles of consecration, principles of surrender, principles of concentrating on our identity, as children, servants of God, people who have a very specific identity, a very specific calling, people that God has called to be a separate people, a people set apart from the world around us and those principles of the world that contradict the principles of the Kingdom of God and also separated for the Lord to be useful to the Lord, to be servants who advance the purposes of the Kingdom of God.

We have been discussing all these things in different ways, and we have said that the man of God, the woman of God, is a man who has to live from his identity in light of his calling, in light of the role to which which has been called We are, supposedly, possessed by an identity that God has given us, by a series of principles that define our lives and that force us to live our lives in a different way than the world, the difference is going to be unpleasant, sometimes that The difference is going to be beautiful, and beautiful, a reason for great joy, many times it will be a reason for persecution and suffering, for feeling separate and different from others, but that is destiny, the condition of a son, a daughter of God, we are a special people, we are a separate people.

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