Rebecca - a woman of great integrity or a conniving and liar?

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker reflects on the character of Rebekah, the mother of Jacob and Esau, in the context of the story of Esau and Jacob. The speaker acknowledges that Rebekah is often portrayed as a scheming and favoritistic woman, but suggests that her character is more complex than that. The speaker notes that the Bible often presents ambiguous characters, which provides richness and complexity to the stories. The speaker suggests that Rebekah may have been obeying the voice of God when she favored Jacob, as she had received a prophetic word about the destiny of her two children. The speaker acknowledges that there are different interpretations of Rebekah's character, but suggests that she may have had a special intuition regarding the spiritual constitution of her two children. The speaker emphasizes that God seeks the heart, endowment, love, loyalty, and appreciation for his things, and places whoever he gives the sovereign pleasure in places of spiritual authority, even if it is unconventional.

This passage discusses the story of Jacob and Esau from the book of Genesis in the Bible. The speaker reflects on the complex nature of the story and how it illustrates God's use of sin to advance his purposes. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of avoiding favoritism and treating children equally in family dynamics.

The passage of Esau, Rebekah, Jacob, and Isaac highlights the importance of treating children equally, promoting good communication within the family, and remaining true to the principles of Scripture above love and loyalty to family or friends. The lack of communication and ventilation of disagreements in the family creates dysfunctional and deformed families, leading to manipulative and lying children and wives. It is essential to live life seriously and according to the values of the Kingdom of God and to recognize the great things that God has placed in our hands, which require men and women, young people, children, and the elderly who walk possessed by a sense of awe and reverence.

The prayer is about surrendering to the Lord and recognizing the great things He has in store for us. It emphasizes the importance of living morally and ethically, and walking in holy fear and trembling. The prayer blesses the church and its diverse communities, and asks for God's grace to be with all mothers, including single mothers. The prayer ends with a declaration of God's infinite nature.

I want to honor the mothers of the congregation this afternoon. As we always do with Mother's Day, using the word of the Lord as a starting point and base, foundation, for a meditation that our mothers elicit from us and we want to bless. In these times I like to meditate on something, the family, women that the word of God registers, and today we have something that fits very, very well, very appropriate, you don't even have to force it.

Last Sunday and the one before that that I preached, you heard me talk about two characters, Samson and Esau. And we talked about the importance of living up to our calling and the endowment we have received from God.

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