The art of following

Brandt Gillespie
(Audio: Inglés, Español) ->Alternate

RESUMEN: The American Church has become inoculated by the world of "i" and has failed to truly follow Christ. The emphasis has been on self-fulfillment and self-realization, leading to a self-absorbed culture. The Church was intended to be the most powerful thing on Earth, but it has lessened in impact due to its alignment with the world's ways of being. The Church must follow Christ's ways and order to turn the world upside down with lives that are willing to follow His ways. We need the Holy Spirit to reveal where we are allying with the world's ways of being so we can hear His voice and make a difference in the world. We need the outpouring of the Holy Spirit so that men and women can be filled with God's glory and anointing. The self must get off the throat so that God can ascend to His rightful place as the only Lord and authority in our lives. We need child-like faith to return to God's ways.

The prayer asks for a child-like faith in God and for the boldness to testify about Him to others. The prayer asks for God's authority to guide us and for patience and love towards our neighbors. The prayer ends with a declaration to serve the Lord.

There is so many emphasis these days on leadership that it tends to minimize in our hearts and our minds, the understanding of God's call to follow. You know, I grew up in the "baby boom" generation. I'm not wanting to get too far afield in developing some of these thoughts but, how many of you have heard the term "baby boomers"?

The "baby boom" generation are those who were born after the Second World War and up to 1964 and one of the writers, Tom Wolf was his name, in 1970, he made the statement that kind of stuck with this generation, he called the "baby boomers" the "me" generation.

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