The Lord will guide us

Charles SpurgeonThink that the infinitely glorious Jehovah acts as a Guide for the blind! What boundless condescension this implies! A blind man cannot find a way that he does not know. Even when he knows the way, it is difficult for him to travel it; but a path that he would not have known would be an impossible adventure for his feet if they were devoid of a guide. Now, we are by nature blind when it comes to the way of salvation, and yet, the Lord introduces us into him, and leads us to him, and then opens our eyes. We are all blind to the future, and we cannot see the next hour, but the Lord Jesus will guide us to the end of our journey. Blessed be his name!
We cannot guess how deliverance will come to us, but the Lord knows, and He will guide us until we have escaped all danger. Blessed are those who lay their hand on that great Guide, and entrust their way to Him and surrender themselves to Him. He will guide them all the way; and when he has led them home to glory and opened their eyes to see the path that led them, what a song of gratitude they will sing to their great Benefactor! Lord, guide your poor blind son on this day, for I do not know my way!
Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Translation by Allan Roman.