Give just because

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: The spiritual law of giving and generosity is essential for the development of societies, families, and churches. It is a reflection of God's grace and forgiveness towards us, and we should imitate Him by being generous with our time, talents, knowledge, money, and possessions. This includes forgiving, tolerating, and loving others. Living a life of giving brings blessings, peace, and provision from God. We should strive to be known for our generosity and give in the name of the Lord intentionally, not for manipulation or recognition from others, but as a spiritual act that pleases God.

If we want developed societies, prosperous cultures, blessed families, that the blessing and the promise of God run in our families, there are spiritual laws that we have to understand. One of the most beautiful laws that allows nations to develop and societies, cities, churches, families to develop and the prosperity of God can enter, is giving, giving; adopt a lifelong ethic of being generous and giving.

And that has to do with grace, which is the driving force of every relationship between God and man, because all God's relationships with man are by grace. If not, God would have destroyed us long ago for our sin and our repeated offenses against his law and his holiness. God is a God of Grace, of forgiveness and of generosity towards his creatures. And we have to imitate our Father by living lives of grace, of always giving. And I'm not just talking about money, although that is an important part.

I mean being generous to everyone, with our time, our talents, our energies, our knowledge, and our money and our possessions. We have to be generous with everyone.

That also includes forgiving, includes tolerating, includes ignoring and ignoring offenses; it includes loving the weak and preferring the humble person. All of this is part of that element, of that ethic of giving, giving, giving. He who lives like this is a blessed person. You will always receive from the Father, and you will live a life of peace and provision.

Say to yourself: “I am going to be a generous giver. I will be a person known for my generosity and I will be generous with others and with everything that I have. And I will give in the name of the Lord always. I am going to distribute to seven and eight, as the writer of Ecclesiastes says. And whenever I can help someone and bless someone with my gifts, my possessions, with a word of encouragement, I will do it, always in the name of the Lord, as a spiritual act, as something intentional. Not because they put pressure on me to do it, not because I want to manipulate God by doing it; not because I like people to say ‘oh, what a splendid person’, but because by doing so I will be entering into a secret pact with my God. And even if no one else sees me, my God is going to see me and bless me ”.

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