Hitting the zone of discomfort

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: Generosity is key to unlocking blessings and miracles in our lives. We should adopt a lifestyle of intentional and consistent generosity towards God and others, even in areas of discomfort or sacrifice. The story of the widow who gave her last penny in the temple demonstrates the importance of sacrificial giving and the value that God places on it. When we give generously and sacrificially, we unleash the favor and provision of God in our lives.

Many times to give properly, we have to give in the area of discomfort. It is precisely in that dimension, when we give to God or to others liberally, with extreme, consistent generosity, where the great miracles that God wants to do in our lives take place. And I want to suggest to you that You read this reflection: Adopt this as an ethic of life. Hug him.

Say to yourself: “I am going to be a generous giver. I will be a person known for my generosity and I will be generous with others and with everything that I have. And I will give in the name of the Lord always. I am going to distribute to seven and eight, as the writer of Ecclesiastes says. And whenever I can help someone and bless someone with my gifts, my possessions, I will do it, always in the name of the Lord, as a spiritual act, as something intentional. Not because they put pressure on me to do it, not because I want to manipulate God by doing it, not because I like people to say 'oh, what a splendid person', but because by doing so I will be entering into a secret pact with my God. And even if no one else sees me, my God is going to see me and bless me ”.

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