When everything is normal in life, we have to prepare for the crisis scenario
Dr. Roberto Miranda(: )
I want to dedicate the next segments of this program to study with you a well-known text of Scripture, the 11th chapter of the Gospel according to Saint John, where we have recorded the well-known event, the death and resurrection of Lazarus. And I hope that through this time we can extract from this beautiful passage some teachings that I know will be a blessing for our lives, it is always a privilege to be with you.
I want to read a couple of verses and then get into the discussion of our passage. Lázaro has just died and the writer, the evangelist Juan, enters us into the drama of that moment. And it says here that: "One named Lazarus of Bethany" was ill then, the village of Mary and Martha his sister. It says here that Mary whose brother Lazarus was sick was the one who anointed the Lord with perfume and wiped his feet with her hair.