When you lose it all, you win it all

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: In this sermon, the pastor discusses the story of Abraham sacrificing his son Isaac in Genesis 22, and how it contains lessons for both mothers and fathers. He notes that Abraham's faith and level of detachment from something he loved were unprecedented, and that the Bible establishes this moment as a marker to measure our own faith and willingness to fulfill God's will. The pastor also points out that Abraham's act of faith is referenced in both Hebrews and Romans, and that God was both testing Abraham and rehearsing his coming drama of sacrificing His own Son, Jesus Christ. Overall, the sermon encourages listeners to have a willingness to surrender to God's will and to trust in His timing.

In the story of Abraham and Isaac, God is testing Abraham's faith and preparing for the sacrifice of his own son, Jesus Christ, thousands of years later. Abraham's willingness to obey God and submit to His will reminds us that everything we have belongs to God and we are just stewards of it. Our children are instruments of God and it is our responsibility to prepare them to fulfill their mission on Earth. We should not give up on them, but pray for them and invest in them, even when things seem impossible. We should trust that God never interrupts the service of one of His own, even when He calls them home at a young age.

The message is about surrendering everything to God, including our children, money, time, dreams, and careers. When we detach ourselves emotionally from these things and consecrate them to the Lord, He blesses us more than we can imagine. The safest place in human history is being in the boat with Jesus during a storm. To truly follow Christ, we must give Him the seat of our will and be willing to give up everything, even what we love the most. Abraham's willingness to give up his son Isaac was a demonstration of his faith and trust in God, and God blessed him for it. The message concludes by inviting people to give their lives to Jesus Christ and surrender everything to Him.

The speaker invites anyone who wants to give their life to Jesus to come forward and make a dedication. They bless and encourage those who do, and urge the congregation to recommit themselves to the Lord. The speaker prays for God's blessing and guidance in the lives of those who have made a dedication. The congregation is urged to give thanks to the Lord and leave as a creature belonging to the Kingdom of God.

I want to invite you to go to the Book of Genesis chapter 2 and I am going to title this sermon: “When you lose everything, you gain everything”, when you lose everything, you gain everything. Remember the words of Jesus Christ who said that he who loses his life will win it and that is a principle that is throughout the Scripture, when you give everything to the Lord and the Lord loses everything, then he returns it more than anything.

And this is the well-known story of Abraham and that moment in his life when God asks him to give up his son Isaac and sacrifice him to him, and it contains some very special lessons for this mother's day, I chose it even though it presents a man , a father, but the spirit contained in this message is absolutely propitious to meditate on the paternity and motherhood of the maternal-paternal Spirit of God, and the spirit to which we are called by the Word regarding our children, our motherhood, to our fatherhood. This text has lessons for fathers and mothers as well, but I dedicate it and its initial origin is precisely Mother's Day, so that is my inspiration from the Lord.

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