Genesis 22 (part 2)

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: English, Spanish) ->Alternate

SUMMARY: In this sermon, the preacher continues the study of Abraham and his spirit of giving and obedience, as seen in Genesis 22 where he is asked to sacrifice his son. The sermon focuses on four principles of giving: giving in the zone of discomfort, giving from a posture of sufficiency, giving with death to self, and giving in response to God's testing of our hearts. The preacher also emphasizes the importance of understanding God's heart and his jealousy for his people when it comes to giving. The sermon encourages listeners to give generously and sacrificially, trusting in God's provision and sovereignty.

Abraham's attitude towards God when asked to sacrifice his son Isaac teaches us how to react when God asks us to give up something precious to us. We should hold our possessions lightly, have a disposition of joy in giving, be specific in our obedience, declare our faith even when we doubt, and trust in God's provision. Abraham's faith in God's ability to resurrect his son shows us that we should trust the details to God and rely on His justice, love, and faithfulness. When we choose to give God what we most love, He is glorified and blessings come to both the giver and those around them. We should strive to have the same attitude as Abraham, being a giving, obedient, and sacrificial people.

Genesis 22

2-part series on giving gereously to the Lord

1 Genesis 22 (part 1)

2 Genesis 22 (part 2)

Genesis, chapter 22 and we’re going to go from verse 1 on. Father we commit this word to you. It comes from you. We need your instruction, your enlightment in order to discharge it properly. The message that you want to give to us this morning, allow us to receive it in the depths of our heart. Holy spirit, lead us as we meditate upon your word in Jesus’ name.

I was just saying that last Sunday that we would continue with this study. Really the intention was to make it just one sermon, but it is such a rich text that we need to take a little bit more time, so we’re going to take this additional Sunday to probe further the word of God with respect to Abraham and his incarnating, I think, the spirit of giving and the spirit of obedience, as we see here in this passage where he’s asked to sacrifice his son and he does it willingly.

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