Consider yourself lest you too be tempted
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
In a world of change and advancing knowledge, the Church must find a balance between holiness and grace. The call to holiness can be seen as Pharisaic by a skeptical and cynical society. It is a challenge for pastors to present a complex and sophisticated Gospel that does not compromise the teachings of Scripture. The Church must provide a gentle, loving, patient, and merciful posture that acknowledges people's wounds, addictions, and systemic sins. The process of personal transformation takes time, and producing saints overnight is not possible. It helps to have people in authority who are aware of their own process and experiences. The Church must be a place of restoration, mercy, love, patience, and kindness without compromising the call to holiness. The tension between these two things will always exist, and pastors must have the moral courage to express the balance of Christ Jesus in their pastoral treatment in the Church.Welcome to our meditation regarding a Church in a world of change and what that Church's position should be. And we've talked about a call from God for a balance between holiness and grace.
In this passage that we discussed earlier in chapter 6 of Galatians verse 1 Paul says that: "If anyone is caught in any fault, we who are spiritual" says the apostle Paul "with a spirit of meekness restore that person considering ourselves, lest we too be tempted "into the same sin as in the case of that other person with whom we are dealing. We see here the pastoral wisdom of the Apostle Paul inspired by the Holy Spirit.