Connect to the source of the solution

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The woman with the issue of blood exemplifies the importance of an individual relationship with God. We should not be content with a collective mindset and a mediocre, conventional prayer. When we can individualize our life of worship, God does extraordinary things in our lives. This woman establishes an intimate, direct relationship with Jesus through her powerful faith, and the Lord cannot do anything but respond to her and unleash His healing power. Sometimes the Lord's response to our faith initiative will take a little time, but we have to be patient and believe that what the Lord has promised will be done if we ask in faith.

The intensity, the focus is what takes us out of the crowd. And it is something that we always have to ask God to help us find that distinctive form, that intimate, personal, individual relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Many times we are content to simply be part of the crowd, of the crowd. The Gospel is full of people who are content with a collective mindset. We go to church on Sundays and we limit ourselves to a mediocre, lukewarm, conventional prayer and we believe that with that we have already fulfilled our commitment. And certainly God receives our sometimes indifferent, conventional worship. But what God likes the most is those believers who even say in the middle of a service where there is a crowd are there knowing that God is looking at them specifically.

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