Complete the work, Lord!

Omar Soto
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker reflects on a phrase from Acts 1, "the things that Jesus began to do and teach." He focuses on a story from Luke 17 where Jesus heals ten lepers, but only one returns to give thanks. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a grateful heart, which turns one's focus from "me" to "others" and glorifies God. When we experience the touch of God, it should cause us to return to Him and enjoy even more than what we have received.

The speaker talks about the story of the ten lepers who were healed by Jesus, and how only one returned to express gratitude. He emphasizes that Jesus not only heals physical ailments, but also emotional and spiritual wounds. He leads a prayer for healing and gratitude, and declares a blessing on the congregation.

Last Sunday I heard a phrase in Pastor Roberto's message that stuck with me in my mind and in my heart. Obviously it is a phrase that comes from a Biblical text. It was the text from Acts Chapter 1 that we were hearing about last Sunday. That is the text where Lucas is saying to Theophilus, he is saying to him: 'My dear Theophilus, in the First Book that I wrote you I began to speak to you about the things that Jesus began to do and teach'.

I don't know but I stayed, I stopped at that sentence. “The things that Jesus began to do and teach.” Obviously the Pastor kept talking about many other things and I was paying attention to what he was saying. But my head returned to that phrase again. “The things that Jesus began to do and teach.”

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