Building big lives not big churches
Brandt Gillespie(Audio: English)
The speaker draws on Colossians chapter 3 to emphasize that each person is called to ministry in different settings of service, and that every individual carries the anointing of God wherever they are. He encourages the audience to live out their faith in their daily lives, especially in their homes and relationships with family, co-workers, and friends. He also suggests that God may be experimenting with them as a people group to create something unique and different for His purposes.
The speaker emphasizes the importance of living a life that has significance, value, and meaning that reflects the life of Christ, starting with our families, co-workers, and friendship circles. He also talks about the importance of intentionally developing friendships outside of our usual circles to have the opportunity to share our faith with others. The speaker then discusses the idea of growing big people, meaning people with capacity, strength, wisdom, and bearing, and emphasizes the importance of creating an environment where people can be honest and receive honesty framed in kindness. The speaker also addresses the issue of leadership within the church, stating that leadership that uses people as expendable commodities to further their own vision can lead to disillusionment among churchgoers.
The speaker talks about how people want to be used by God but not by people. They give examples of ants that subordinate others to do their work and the Borg from Star Trek that absorb other life forms. The issue of trust in leadership is important, and the Bible warns against bad shepherds who scatter and destroy the flock. The speaker contrasts this with Paul's love for the church and the individual growth of each member. The speaker believes a healthy church is committed to the growth of the individual and the community. They ask God to shape them and for them to say yes to His work.At a primary text that we’re going to draw on from Colossians chapter 3. You know, the reality is it does not matter much if I speak. That’s not to minimize the articulation of the word of God, it really is simply to give it mission to the fact that we salt each other’s lives with just the sense of presence, with the interaction that happens with one another, just by rubbing shoulders, by hints and glances and subtle signals.
It is a privilege to be able to give voice to the word of God, but we have the opportunity and the reality is that we have the privilege of doing that every day, and whether a person and I’m probably going to cut against some grains in some of the things that I’m saying, I ask that you prepare your spirit, prepare your heart so that it’s not something that might rub coarsely the wrong way, because I don’t want that. That’s not what’s in my soul or in my heart.