Assuming responsibilities

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

SUMMARY: As Christians, we have a responsibility to preach the Gospel of Salvation and share the gift of eternal life with others. However, sometimes we miss opportunities due to insecurities or lack of preparation. We must always be ready and carry the armor of God with us. We cannot be ashamed of sharing our faith, as we will one day be held accountable for our actions and commitments before God.

INSIGHT is a term used in Psychiatry that means to internalize something, incorporate it, recognize it. Sometimes Christians do not 'insight' that one day, voluntarily and out of conviction, we decided to give our lives to Christ and accept the responsibility that this entails. By faith we know that Christ came to give us life in abundance and so much so that it is eternal life, we are convinced that our covenant with God transcends the borders of physical death and extends into other dimensions unknown to us, but by that same faith We are convinced that one day we will be before the Throne of Grace being judged for our responsibilities. The main of these responsibilities is to preach the Gospel of Salvation, this implies surpassing ourselves in many aspects. How many times do we feel in our hearts the need to tell someone about Christ? What exactly is preventing us? Do we assume our responsibility at that time?

Many times we miss opportunities to share with others that divine gift that was given to us by grace and at that moment we are avoiding our responsibility, we do not let the Holy Spirit guide us, let it flow, but we lock it in the prison of our insecurities, Insecurities that are sometimes objective, especially when we are not well prepared to answer the avalanche of questions that will come our way and other times they are subjective, when out of shame we think that we will not be well received. We cannot evade our responsibility to God, we must be prepared and always carry the armor of God with us (Ephesians 6 13-20), we cannot be ashamed of giving our best, because if they reject us, we are not the ones who lose, rather, we fulfill our mandate and if they accept us, we will be gaining a life for Christ, with Him we never lose. Yes, one day we will appear before the Supreme Court and we must be prepared to answer for our actions and for our commitments before The Judge.

Do you already know what you are going to answer?

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