Tie yourself to your confession

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

: King Jehoshaphat publicly and visibly pledged to seek and await an answer from God during a military crisis. He commanded the entire nation to pray and fast, publicly committing to his dependence on divine help. By verbalizing our requests in a public way, we establish a spiritual commitment that adds power and weight to our prayers. This represents a declaration of war on the principalities that seek to overwhelm us and a strong declaration of confidence in God's faithfulness. Jehoshaphat engaged the entire nation in a powerful act of faith, understanding the great power in public and community prayer.

Faced with the greatest military crisis of his entire reign, King Jehoshaphat not only took time to pray and cry out to the Lord, but publicly and visibly pledged to seek and await an answer from God.

When King Jehoshaphat commanded the entire nation to pray and fast, he was binding himself to his dependence on divine help. He was committing himself publicly and spiritually! He was saying, “I believe in the power of prayer. I believe in the God who has promised to intervene on behalf of his people the day we cry out to him. And I believe enough to summon the entire nation and publicly compromise our faith. " Jehoshaphat was taking a great risk by doing this. He was, in a sense, testing in a final and irrevocable way the entire religious system that underpinned the nation of Israel.

"Tie yourself to your confession":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
It is better to pray with others
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda highlights the importance of praying with others and the power of community prayer. King Jehoshaphats story is used to show how corporate prayer can give encouragement and strength to keep going.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The power of faith
The author discusses the power of faith and principles of spirituality illustrated in Second Chronicles 20, emphasizing the importance of presenting ones situation to God in prayer with clarity and purpose and having faith and expectation that God will work.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Companions in the trench
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the power of prayer in community and the importance of finding prayer partners to provide encouragement and support in lifes battles.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
From crisis to blessing
Learn from King Jehoshaphats example and seek the Lords guidance through prayer and fasting in times of crisis. Remember the things God has done and gather with your Christian community for support and unity.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Publicly tie yourself to your prayer
Learn the power of publicly tying yourself to your prayer and how it can establish a spiritual commitment and bring divine support.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
How to pray to the Lord
Learn about the power of specific, detailed prayer in the Christian life through the example of King Jehoshaphat. Discover the importance of community and persistent prayer in facing lifes battles and protecting against spiritual attack. Written by Dr. Roberto Miranda.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Publicly tie yourself to your prayer
Learn how publicly tying yourself to your prayer can add power and weight to your requests and bring the answer you need. Declaration of spiritual commitments and goals is important for confidence in Gods faithfulness.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Our faith must affect all aspects of our life
Learn how King Jehoshaphats example teaches us to integrate our faith into all aspects of our life and how to make decisions that align with our spiritual convictions.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Tighten the screws on us!
The importance of seeking and trusting in Gods prophetic word in times of crisis for the church, based on the story of Jehoshaphat. The author emphasizes faith, obedience, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Our faith must affect all aspects of our life
Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the importance of extending our spiritual convictions to every aspect of our lives, including political roles, and the need to renounce sinful behavior in order to receive Gods blessings.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The power of faith (Part 2)
The importance of living a life of faith and detachment from material possessions. The power of spiritual principles and the importance of living by faith, even in difficult circumstances. The biblical story of Josaphat and the prophetic word that God would perform a miracle without the need for Israel to fight. Encouragement to trust in God and his ability to work miracles in their own lives.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Believe the prophets
The church is in a time of crisis and needs to turn to God for guidance. This sermon discusses the importance of worship, prophetic gifts, and apostolic teaching in allowing God to work through his people. The speaker encourages seeking prophetic words and strategies from God, studying the word, and becoming disciplined. The ultimate goal is to glorify God and know Him intimately.