You now have a passport to the Kingdom of God

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: As Christians, we should not give Satan too much power in our lives. We should understand that God is in control of all aspects of our lives and is leading us towards blessings and abundance. We have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ. Our identity and legal documents now reside in the Kingdom of God, where we can find our blessings and instructions for each day of our lives. Satan wants to harm us, but God governs us to do good. We should rejoice in our new identity as children of God.

Our life no longer resides under the power of Satan but rather God has transferred us from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of His beloved Son Jesus Christ.

We have to understand that, if you are a son of God, if you are a daughter of God, the one who has the first and the one who has the last word, I would say the word in the middle of your life is God, Jesus Christ not Satan. Many times we Christians are in Christ but we kind of give Satan so much power and credit for all the things that happen in our lives. We are always talking about the devil doing this, the devil is attacking me, we are always reprimanding and like we are living life in terms of Satan instead of in terms of God. And then every time something happens in our life, we blame it on the devil instead of seeing that maybe God is doing something different.

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