God loves processes
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
When God puts something in their heart, not everyone will understand the vision that God has given, or the project that God has put in their heart and if you share it with inadequate people of little faith, what they will do is that They will kill the dream of God in your life. We have to be very careful with whom we share the great dreams and the great miraculous visions that we have in our hearts.
People can help us to a certain extent and they are necessary, we have to look for allies and the cooperation of others but we also have to have a private dimension, a dimension where we close ourselves with people who are truly living our drama and who believe in God. powerful that we believe in, and use them to strengthen our faith, to pray with us, to encourage us in the vision that God has given us. Because when we spend time trying to convince those who do not believe in the legitimacy or validity of our views, we often waste time and what we do is we waste precious opportunities to focus our energy on what really matters.