Do you give up when your victory takes too long to arrive?

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: God often puts long-term dreams in our hearts, which require a patient and organic process of development. We must not abandon these visions just because they take time to realize. Like Abraham, we may have to travel great distances before our aspirations become reality. The process may involve suffering, failure, and character development. We must not take shortcuts, but fight legitimately and go through the long and arduous process that a vision requires. God is a God of processes, and the symphony of a purposeful life takes time to unfold. Persistence is key to achieving success and impact in life. We must persist in the vision until we see it fully realized.

Many times God puts dreams in our hearts, hopes and projects and plans, which are not for the present moment, but for the distant future. God is never in a hurry. God creates patiently, organically, from the inside out, intentionally putting one piece on top of the other. He takes his time crafting a beautiful vision.

The writer of Ecclesiastes declares: "Everything has its time, and everything that is wanted under heaven has its hour" (Eccl 3: 1). Habakkuk 2: 3 introduces a very important element in the execution of all personal vision: “Although the vision will still linger for a time, but it hastens towards the end, and it will not lie; Although it will take time, wait for it, because without a doubt it will come, it will not take long.

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