October 18, 2009: Testimonials of Healing

(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: Several members of a church congregation in a Spanish-speaking community shared their healing testimonies during a service. One woman shared that she had been healed of a thyroid disease she had for 22 years, while another shared that her daughter was healed from a cyst on her knee. Other members shared stories of healing from arthritis, liver problems, and muscle pain. One woman shared a recent experience of intense back pain, but prayed and invoked the presence of God, and was able to go to work the next day despite the pain. All the members gave glory and honor to God for their healing.

The pastor and members of the congregation share testimonies of healing and miracles that they have experienced through faith and prayer. They give thanks to God for his healing power and encourage others to trust in him for their own healing. One member shares her struggle with chronic pain and depression, but declares her faith in God's healing power and chooses to focus on his promises rather than her current circumstances. The pastor prays for her and others who need healing, asking God to do a work in their bodies and spirits. The congregation gives glory to God for his faithfulness and promises to continue to trust in him for their needs.

The prayer declares that God is powerful enough to perform great and undeniable miracles, even in a city with advanced medical technology. The prayer asks for the Holy Spirit to move and for God's word to heal and perform miracles that will prove His power and put to shame human advances. The prayer ends with a declaration of faith and glory to the Lord.

Pastor Miranda: Gloria, you have a testimony again… Amen, amen

Gloria: When we were singing 'We want to give you glory and praise' and this is a testimony of healing and I felt that it was the moment. I was letting him go because it is not easy to stop here to speak and I was waiting, I don't know what I was waiting for, but I was waiting, but I had agreed with my Lord to give him Glory and praise when the miracle happened.

22 years ago I had a thyroid disease and every day I had to take a pill -those who have this condition know that you have to take it every day- and I decided at one point while I was giving the discipleship classes that one has than declare the word and declare healing. And I began to declare healing in my body and to the Glory and Honor of the Lord, the Lord healed me. I no longer have to take any pills. And I had agreed to give him the Glory and Honor and I did it in a group of men who were there on something missionary and I was with that I didn't know how to say it but I'm here. Glory to God. Glory and Honor to my Lord.

Pastor Miranda: Glory to God. If someone has received another type of healing or creates healing in their life and wants to testify, look, let's open this moment for someone else God has done a work of healing in your life these days and you want to testify about it. Come this way first. Amen. Let's give him Glory.

How many are willing to listen for a moment? The Lord is doing all those things. Amen, amen.

Walter Matute: God bless you. My name is Walter Matutes. I have been attending church constantly for over a year now. The testimony that I have is not exactly mine but it is as if it were mine because it belongs to my daughter.

A year ago my daughter was detected with a cyst on her left knee and the doctors thought it was cancer at first. My wife is here and so is she, I don't think she can testify because she was the one who went to the hospital and she was the one who dealt with the doctors. The face of the doctors... and the verdict of the doctors was when doing the X-ray, it was not encouraging. They are talking about knee cancer and I had to do more studies.

We prayed together with sister Gloria and brother Rafael, at home. And after three days of praying and everything, well, of being in the presence of the Lord, we went to do the exams on my daughter and they only detected a cyst on her knee. She has been operated on twice, once because the cyst returned after six months. But for the honor and glory of God, she is now over eight months old. We have taken her to the doctor last week and everything is perfectly fine. She now runs, she now jumps and everything is for the Praise of the Lord.

Pastor Miranda: Amen, amen. Glory to the Lord. Somebody else raised their hand and I think, look, healing testimony specifically? Yeah? OK. Mirey is Brazilian so she's going to have to speak very slowly so we can understand her.

Meyri: May God bless you. My desire as a family, the Hispanic family as my family. Six years ago I had something called arthritis and it was there and he went to the hospital and hepatitis C also appeared and I did not know how serious it was. And it was a very contagious thing.

So I told the doctor: “My God is going to heal me,” when she told me. I was in the church here and I came to the front and asked in prayers and I was more concerned about the people because it is such a terrible thing that you can't even shake hands with the person, you can't kiss. It is a horrible thing and I did not know. In a month, the day my grandson was born I had to go to the hospital. When I got there the doctor was laughing and said, “I have good news for you. Your case is different. It has nothing".

And I continued to take the tests and it disappeared. And a few days passed and they gave me a year going to the hospital and because my finger didn't bend. When she had to take some injections for her, everything was normal. He gave two months again and I asked the Lord. And one day one morning when I woke up my finger... The Lord has healed me and never again for the Glory of God.

Pastor Miranda: Amen, amen. I think someone else had raised their hand. OK.

Woman: Good morning. God bless you, brothers. It is the first time that I face the Congregation here, but I am already an old lady here in this Congregation. I want to give the Glory and Honor to my God because I had suffered from this knee for more than 15 years. And I told the Lord: 'I'm only going to ask you this alone: that you help me go up the stairs like everyone else does'.

And I will never forget Him, wherever I went, I said that He performed that operation on me and even as a Christian I doubted because I was afraid to operate. Because I had never had surgery. But for the Glory and Honor of my God that ended in the same day for two or three hours and for the Glory and Honor of my God I am here.

Those who know me know how I came to church. They told me: 'You are strong sister' and I told them: 'I have to come even if I am dragged to Church'. And until the end I came and was, after God operated on me I was crazy to come because of how good I felt. But I had to wait a while. I have to give the glory and honor to my God because I was very ashamed to stop, but the glory and honor to my God and let us always believe in the Lord, because He can do everything. If he could with me and I waited more than 15 years, having that God, the one from yesterday and the day before yesterday and today is the same. So I doubted, even as a Christian, I doubted but I already told the Lord: 'I just want you to make me walk like everyone else'.

And the Glory and honor I give to my God. God bless you, brothers.

Pastor Miranda: Amen, sister. We bless you in the name of the Lord. How good are those testimonies so concrete, specific and to the point! That blesses us. So we can more of us testify. That's good.

Karina García: The Lord bless you, my brothers. My name is Karina García and I have been congregating in this beautiful congregation for a year and a half. Well my testimony is also very powerful and beautiful. And I am very grateful to the Lord for the wonders that He has done in my life. About 4 months ago, after I had my last baby. Well, they diagnosed me that I had, well, apparently a cyst that they referred me to a surgeon to operate on. I was diagnosed with very-apparently-serious liver problems. Also that he had problems. He gave me a terrible patatú.

They rushed me to the hospital, they did an MRI, and everything. They thought it was even a tumor on his head. Well, I was very dizzy and I think it was - if the Pastor remembers - that day I came here to the church and there was a healing day. A Sunday of Healing. And the Pastor prayed for me. I told the Pastor what my problem was and I couldn't -even I was studying- I couldn't guide well, a very terrible nonsense, it was something very difficult. I spent about four days in bed without being able to get up and I: 'Lord, you know, I have three children. My life… I have to move on. What is happening to me? My life is in your hands, I am your daughter.

Brothers, without abounding much, the Lord did the work. Just one day I went and they did all the tests again. Everything disappeared. All. The cyst, there was no cyst. All. The liver problems are gone, the dizziness. And it turns out that the doctors now don't know what happened, now they say it was stress. Which apparently was that I was very burdened with many problems and a lot of stress those days. And I praise the Lord, because the Lord is faithful. Look, there is nothing impossible, nothing impossible that you have in your life that God cannot solve. Amen. God bless you.

Julio Valdez: Good afternoon. My name is Julio Valdez. My testimony - I'm a little nervous, excuse me, forgive me - I had about two months with pain in my body, muscles. I went to the doctor. The doctor prescribed me some painkillers and before I put my prescription in the pharmacy, but before going to look for it I came the Sunday that the violinist came - the one who was playing the violin. I knelt there and asked God to take away those pains, because I couldn't force myself. A guy like me, healthy, doing maintenance work. Then she came and stuck in front of me. I felt like something was melting from my body, like it was melting. After that I felt the healing of my shoulders. And I give thanks and honor to God. Hallelujah.

Pastor Miranda: Glory to the Lord.

Woman: Amen. Brothers, God bless you all. Something happened to me. I have problems, I do not declare a problem, I declare that I am healthy. But the doctors say that I have back problems, hernias and various things. I work in a hospital as a nursing assistant and my job is very hard. I have to lift the patients, sit them down, you know, right? How are patients treated in the hospital? I had been feeling very well for several months. I thank my Lord. But what happened? Monday I was free, it was a holiday, and I started to clean the house. And I don't know what happened to me, suddenly, what didn't happen to me in the hospital, happened to me at home. Suddenly when I'm mopping I got completely bent over on one side. So. And I didn't know what to do.

It was a terrible pain and I began to invoke the presence of the Lord to tell him: 'Father, what's wrong? If you are my father, you are my husband, you are my friend. What's going on? Help me'. I am the father and mother of my house and I have to work for my house, for my home, for my daughter. And nothing. And with all my desperation I kept on praying and as I could I crawled away, holding on to the walls and I grabbed pillows, I grabbed a warm cloth and put it on my back. I drank two Ibuprofen. The Pastor… is a little long but I will finish. Nothing, the pain was still very strong. So I decided to call my son and I told him: “Gaby, my back is really bad. I can't move, I can't walk.” She was fine, terribly bent.

I started, kept praying saying, 'Lord, this is yours, Dad. I have to work tomorrow so I don't know what you are going to do? But we are going to fight because this is yours Father. You have to lift me up. I have to get up and report to my job. I continued like this all day, I continued praying and invoking the presence. My son came and helped me and took me to bed. He put me on the bed. The next day I said: I'm not going to call in sick. I am not going to call in sick because You say that You are my Father. That You are with me as a powerful giant, fighting my battles and my fights. And You are going to lift me up from here.

Brothers, as I could at half past five in the morning I got up from bed. Attest. I dressed as I could. I went out, took my car and went to work. And I went there walking one step at a time. And I thank the Lord. We have a situation in the hospital called one-to-one and we treat patients. A patient, sitting all day in a chair attending to that patient when they are aggressive, when they have psychiatric problems or problems of not being able to move and so on. Well nothing.

When I arrived at the hospital, it had been more than two months since I was put to do a one-to-one. I was always on the floor, very hard, on the heaviest floors in the hospital. So with my little back, I ask the Lord for strength who always helps me. And nothing. When I arrived at the hospital, the supervisor told me: "You go to one-to-one for psychiatry." I said: 'Oopa, give thanks, Lord! I came walking, I came crying: Thank you Lord because you are so beautiful."

Well, I got to the place where I had to work and I sat there all day, 8 hours. How could I stop at the little step because the patient when she wanted water or something. Thank the Lord she was a patient with problems... no thank the Lord, because the poor thing had a very bad psychiatry and she spent the whole day in bed with a doll thinking that she had given birth, that she had given birth. And I said 'Thank you Father, at least you are allowing me to fulfill my 8 hours'. The time has come for me to go. I went to my house. The second day the same thing, I kept praying, I was still in pain but a little better. And he continued very strong: 'Lord, help me, tomorrow I have to work again. This is yours Father.

Well I got up in the same way I went to work and when he arrived they told me again: "You are going to one-to-one". I say: Oh, Father, Lord! Thank you. I didn't even know how to thank the Lord for that. That's how it happened. On the third day also, brothers sent me for the one-to-one. And already on the fourth day, which was Thursday, I continued doing one-to-one. So on Friday they sent me to the floor where the sick old people are, the Geriatric. And nothing when I was there, I spent the day as calmly working as I could.

I thank the Lord. I thought that I was not going to be able to come today to work as an usher. But Thank you, I give it to my Lord that I am here. You have seen me moving and all that. Thank God that I think he has control and has had mastery of my back. I ask you to continue praying for me because I have had this problem for years. Sometimes it knocks me down, sometimes it stops me, but I want complete healing. May the Lord, definitely, the Lord do the work on my back. Thanks brothers. The Lord continue to bless you.

Pastor Miranda: Well, let's pray for our sister. Wait a minute, come, let's pray for you and present.

Yes Lord, in the name of Jesus, Father, we declare over your daughter that total healing that she needs, Father. In this environment where we are giving you Glory and where we are declaring that you are our healing God. Where we declare miracles and interventions that You have done in our lives, Lord. We declare on your back, a powerful anointing, Father. A touch, Lord, of your spirit, undoing every twist, every imperfection, Lord. All mismatch, Father in Jesus name. Strengthen the weak, Lord. Straighten what is crooked, Father. Remove any obstruction, Lord, any impediment to the flow of energy as You have designed this back, this body, Lord. That waist.

In the name of Jesus we declare your healing power over this life, Father. From head to toe, from the nape of your neck, Father, to the small of your back, sir. Your legs, sir. In the name of Jesus your entire neurological system, Father we regulate them, Lord and we establish your normality Father. My God, as You designed this body, Father, for it to work, we rebuke all evil. Thank you Lord, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus we declare healing. Amen, Amen, Amen.

Glory to God. Amen, Amen.

Woman: My brothers I also want to give, declare a word of victory and give a brief testimony. Like my sister, in July they did an MRI and they detected that I had a fractured disc and people who know what that means is practically when the gelatin from the disc comes out and presses against the nerves. And for about a month I had horrible pain. The pain was so much that my hand was falling asleep and there is no position that allows you to be without pain and it was difficult for me to identify if the pain was in the muscle or in the bone. To such an extent that I would go to the doctor and say: "Look, do something, I don't know what is happening."

They send me to have an MRI and they detect that I had two fractured discs. The solution is to operate or give you strong medicine like antidepressants, so that they then block the feeling in your mind. And when they told me that those were my options, or therapy and when they told me that those were my options, it really upset me. Because I am a person who, thank God, I don't have to take medicine, that is, strong medicines, and the fact that they told me that I had to take antidepressants to neutralize the pain, distressed me, because one knows that this has many winged effects.

But also, my brothers, I believe that sometimes one has to simply present those things to the Lord. And tell him: 'Okay, Father' and many brother Deacons and Pastors prayed for me. Because I was not only dealing with the pain, but I was dealing with the situation: whether or not I take the medicine. And what I felt is: 'OK. Lord, I am going to take this medicine because if You want me to follow this treatment for now, I know, Lord, that You are going to free me from anything else.

And that also taught me that one cannot go against the doctor's directions. But I always said: 'Lord, I don't want to take this medicine one more day than You don't want.'

There was a day of prayer, I went to the front, I still felt pain but it is those moments that one says: 'Lord, I am going to declare by faith that after these weeks I am not going to take this medicine.'

They sent me to therapy and, my brothers, I have not taken any pill for two months and I have all the strength in my hand. I don't have pain, and my hand doesn't fall asleep. And the Glory and Honor is for the Lord. And one has to always hold onto the hand of the Lord. And even if you don't believe it, look my brother, you have to declare victory and healing in the body because God is faithful. Thank you.

Myriam Díaz: Brothers, may the Lord bless you. My name is Myriam Diaz. My son Ricardo Antonio Díaz was diagnosed with Hutchinson lymphoma which is a type of cancer. We went for treatment, we never accepted the diagnosis, we always said “Ricardo doesn't have it. Ricardo was diagnosed. Ricardo gave his testimony and previously he had to do another exam and when they were going to do the PET scan, the Lord had told me: "Gather the elders of the Church -the elders- and I had spoken with the Pastor so that that Sunday he would gather to the elderly but the man who sings, the artist who sings was here -Ron Cannoly- and it took so long that he left the Pastor de Rabal. So on Wednesday -but we have a very great God- and when you cry out to God above the Pastor, the Lord will do it. Then Wednesday came around and I wanted my son to come here for Wednesday's service and I told him: 'Well, Lord, the honor and glory to you. In a small service it doesn't matter'. But on Tuesday my child had been treated and he couldn't come. And I was a little bit desperate and his appointment was on Friday and I had told the Lord: 'So I'm going to another church because the elders of the church have to pray for him.'

Well, it couldn't, the baby was still sick. So when I went to the appointment on Friday, at Children's Hospital the machine broke down and they couldn't do the scan. I had already told the Lord, I told the Lord: “I did everything I could, everything that was within my reach. Now it's your turn. If the elders did not pray for him, it was not for lack of me not following the instructions”. Tuesday the machine was still damaged, Wednesday it was still damaged and it came to be fixed the following Monday after the elders of the church prayed for my son. And to the Glory and Honor of the Lord, Ricardo has nothing.

Pastor Miranda: Amen. Well. I unleashed a - I'm not going to say a hornet's nest - something holy here. I'm going to say amen. This is the sermon that God wants, we must give Glory to the Lord. Because we have asked so much for God to perform miracles and healings. We must give Glory to God and may our Faith be strengthened by listening to these experiences of our brothers.

Woman: Hallelujah! When there is a spirit in our hearts, brothers, can we not silence it? I thank the Lord because I have had four healings. Here I have had two healings. Brothers, when the Lord heals one person, He heals the whole. We don't have to be feeling the pain or the thing, no!

I came from Honduras two months ago. I came with my red, red sight. The doctors there, one of them told me: “Your sight is going to be lost. Your eyesight is going to be sucky and not anymore” -he tells me. I was operated on three years ago and the circulation in my body has bothered me as much as there is no truth. But I told him: “Doctor, I have a friend. I have a healer from above who is Christ”. He tells me: “Look, here is a medicine that you will be taking. I am not going to guarantee that you will see, that you will recover your sight”. I told him: "Yes, doctor, but that is what I tell you that I have someone who will restore my sight." "Oh ok!" tells me. I notified my family here and they immediately sent me to bring it.

I give glory to the Lord because I sat down, brothers, I could not look at my Bible. I couldn't look at the letters, I just looked at my Bible in bold. It gave me pain in my heart. I couldn't leave it at home but had to bring it. I watched the brother preach, I only looked at the bundle, I didn't look at anything. And I give glory to the Lord because today I look at his face. My granddaughter asked me for a large print Bible. It took four or five days to arrive. I am reading nicely because my... this eye has the cornea below the eye inflamed and the doctor, well, he told me 'it has it inflamed. I'm going to give you a few drops. But I have been with the faith completely and I am looking completely, not well, well but I can already read the Bible. I can already see the clarity. May the Lord be Glorified...

Pastor Miranda: Amen, sister. Glory to God. Amen.

Isabel: Brother, may the Lord continue to bless. I'll be right to the point. I have three problems in the spine: I have a deviation, I have degenerative arthritis from the doctors and I have two spurs in the middle of the spine on the inside but it cannot be operated on and a nerve has caught me. The pains are incredible. I'm on very delicate medications. Apart from that, lately, apart from the fact that I have arthritis in other parts of my body, there are pains that take over my entire joint and when I get up the pain in the soles of my feet becomes difficult.

The Lord always -which is what I want to leave in your hearts because I am trying to deal with that situation- one of the things that the Lord has declared to me, the word of God says: "Through the wounds of Jesus Christ we have been cured." So why doesn't that happen? So it is because we declare what we feel, what we see and what we believe, except the word of God. And that is where the key of the matter lies: declaring what the word of God says. And in that I am. Because it is not difficult, someone in severe pain, to declare that I am fine.

And I thank the Lord because he gives me the opportunity that no one believes what I have because God allows me to fix myself in the midst of all the pain and depression situation. Because the pain has given me a strong depression. So what we have to do is an exercise, which is what I am doing so that even though I am in all my pain, I say: "I am fine" by faith and the brothers already know that the situation is there but I declare that I'm fine. And God gives us the strength every day, to do -even sometimes with limitations- the most important things and give them priority.

But let us not forget that if God is with us and in addition to that the Lord -in the midst of that- something very important has blessed me because when I started the problems the Lord told me, he showed me the cross and he showed me everything What happened because I became more impious than any impious, my brothers. He released poison from his mouth. I asked the Lord to prepare me and take me. And I got very aggressive with the boys and then the doctors said it was because of the pain. And the Lord showed me everything that He went through and what did He do? And when I am in the middle of that situation, I get into my bed, take my pill and commune with the Lord. And I have sealed my mouth because God told me in the face of serious pain, the Lord told me: "Either you submit or the test will be greater" and after three months the test was heavy. So the Lord bless you.

Pastor Miranda: Amen. We are going to pray for you. Come sister. And we're going to leave it there, now. For next Sunday -because I already feel, this is the time- we have given glory to the Lord and we are going to have other moments in which we are going to be able to give him glory. So reserve testimony and we will have other moments. But I feel that it is time to end this part.

Father, we present Isabel before you and we ask, Lord, that You do a work in her spirit, her emotions, her mind, as well as her body, which also urgently needs a touch from you, Father. We bless her. We bless her family, Father, and we ask that you do a work, Lord, in those areas that she pointed out in front of your people, do a work of healing, Father. We declare it so in the name of Jesus.

And we thank you for these testimonies received, Lord. And we believe that You are going to be doing greater things.

We declare that these are simply principles of a miracle, Lord, that You do in the midst of your people. We declare your healing power, Father. We ask that Your Glory be unleashed, Lord, in the midst of your people. We need to be able to give great testimonies, Lord, in this time when men deny your presence and your power.

We declare that You are more than powerful, more than enough, Lord and that we will see greater things. We declare like this: great miracles, powerful miracles, Lord. Miracles that leave people speechless. Miracles that cannot be disputed, denied, or contradicted by the most skeptical person, Lord including any doctor, Father of this city.

In this city there is so much medicine, Lord, the best doctors, the best hospitals, the best places for medical research, the best machinery, Lord, in that many of these doctors do not glorify you or believe in your power.

We ask that in this city, Lord, where medicine has reached a very high level, and we thank you for those doctors, Father. We thank you for the advances of science because they are a palliative but we declare, Lord, that in this city where there is so much human medicine, the medicine of your Holy Spirit and the power of your word and the healing gifts of your spirit, Father and The prophetic word, the apostolic word, the anointed word, sir, will perform miracles that will put to shame all advances, all inventions, all techniques, all medical technology, and it will be evident that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

So we declare it and we open this place, Lord, for the manifestation of your Glory. In the name of Jesus. We say amen, amen. Glory to the Lord, amen, amen.

Other publications related to "October 18, 2009: Testimonials of Healing":

Healing Testimony: June 19, 2013
A testimony of a woman who experienced a miraculous healing from Jesus for her broken leg and her daughters gallbladder issue during a prayer chain.

Olu Lawrence
God still works miracles
The speaker talks about the power of Gods miracles and how they can heal and liberate people from their struggles. Believing in Jesus is key to receiving healing and the speaker shares a personal experience of being healed by Jesus.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Testify of what God has done
Dr. Roberto Miranda shares the story of the woman with the issue of blood and how it highlights the power of God in Jesus Christ. This article inspires us to testify about the things God has done in our lives.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The gift of healing (Part 2)
The speaker discusses the gift of healing and the importance of supernatural manifestations in the Christian life, encouraging believers to develop their gift and minister healing to others.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The dynamics of healthcare
The article discusses the complexities and dynamics of healing, emphasizing the different ways in which God heals people and the importance of spiritual discernment. The author encourages listeners to seek wisdom and understanding from God and to surrender to His will.

Olu Lawrence
God still works miracles
In this sermon, the speaker discusses the power of miracles in ones life and how to receive them through faith in Jesus. He emphasizes the importance of trusting in the Word of God and using the power and authority given by Jesus to heal and break every yoke in our lives.

Samuel Caraballo
Samuel Caraballo: Healing Testimony
Samuel Caraballo shares a personal testimony of being diagnosed with a kidney problem at the age of 12 and how the Lord healed them through prayer and faith.

Miriam Carrasquillo
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Dr. Roberto Miranda
The Gift of Healing (Part 1)
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Hna. Josefa
Testimony August 14, 2013: If your heart is willing to serve the Lord, he will bless you
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