Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God - therefore: he who has seen the Son has seen the Father

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The Epistle to the Colossians focuses on the deity of Jesus Christ, His Lordship, His Power, and His equality with the Father. The apostle Paul wrote this letter to counteract the Colossian heresy that diminished the stature of Jesus Christ and included other gods and rituals. Paul shows the glory of Jesus and His great power and lordship, emphasizing that He is the image of the invisible God and the firstborn of all creation. Jesus is the exact projection of the God who cannot be seen, and whoever has seen Jesus has seen the Father. This encourages us to have faith in Him and believe in Him for eternal salvation.

What matters most to me is focusing on the person of Jesus. The epistle to the Colossians is an epistle that focuses like no other on the deity of Jesus Christ, His Lordship, His Power, His equality with the Father. It gives us a revelation of the glory of Jesus like no other epistle in the New Testament.

Although it is a very short epistle, it contains some revelations about the person and the total glory of Jesus. And it seems that in part the apostle Paul was writing this epistle because in Colosse where these believers were, that is why the epistle is actually called the Epistle to the Colossians, a kind of erroneous doctrine was growing, a heresy that has in fact been called the Colossian heresy that tended to diminish the stature of Jesus Christ and then to include other gods and putting as a condition for salvation also the keeping of certain feast days, and spoke of demigods who were part of creation, and a number of other rituals and things that they took away believers' sights from the person of Jesus Christ and from the fact that He is the foundation of all salvation and that without Him nothing can be done simply and that with Him we are totally complete.

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