What do you want?
Gregory Bishop(Audio: Español)
Isaiah 61. Brothers, I want to start by sharing a testimony. In my house I have a two-year-old boy and he learned a new word this week, I was there doing my things and I heard a little voice behind me, an angel's voice that cried out saying "I want milk!" 'I want milk!' I don't want to teach him the word "now" – now, because he surely would have used it. They know that he learned the word I want, and he uses it well.
And you know what I started to think, the Lord asked the people this question many times, Jesus told the people, what do you want? Do you really want to be healed? People who were following him and he said to them, what are you looking for? And I felt the Lord say to me, Gregory, what do you want? What do you want of me?