King James Version
Then Pharaoh said unto him, But what hast thou lacked with me, that, behold, thou seekest to go to thine own country? And he answered, Nothing: howbeit let me go in any wise.(1 Reyes 11:22)
And God stirred him up another adversary, Rezon the son of Eliadah, which fled from his lord Hadadezer king of Zobah:(1 Reyes 11:23)
And he gathered men unto him, and became captain over a band, when David slew them of Zobah: and they went to Damascus, and dwelt therein, and reigned in Damascus.(1 Reyes 11:24)
And he was an adversary to Israel all the days of Solomon, beside the mischief that Hadad did: and he abhorred Israel, and reigned over Syria.
And Jeroboam the son of Nebat, an Ephrathite of Zereda, Solomon's servant, whose mother's name was Zeruah, a widow woman, even he lifted up his hand against the king.(1 Reyes 11:26)
And this was the cause that he lifted up his hand against the king: Solomon built Millo, and repaired the breaches of the city of David his father.(1 Reyes 11:27)
And the man Jeroboam was a mighty man of valor: and Solomon seeing the young man that he was industrious, he made him ruler over all the charge of the house of Joseph.(1 Reyes 11:28)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "1 Reyes 11:25":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Guerra Espiritual (Parte 2)
Este artículo habla sobre la importancia de estar alerta y preparados en la guerra espiritual contra el enemigo, rodearnos de gente sabia y madura en el Espíritu Santo para recibir consejo y discernimiento en nuestras decisiones, y ser temerosos de Dios y obedientes a su voluntad. También se menciona la importancia de discernir cuándo es tiempo de perdonar y cuándo es tiempo de actuar con violencia, y se pide a la iglesia que declare la palabra de Dios en seriedad y rectitud.

Samuel Acevedo
El orgullo y la ambición son dos cosas distintas
Reflexión sobre la historia del rey Uzías y la importancia de la humildad y la obediencia a Dios.

1 Reyes 11:25 - Referencia Cruzada

Therefore was the wrath of the LORD kindled against his people, insomuch that he abhorred his own inheritance. (Salmos 106:40)
Thou shalt not abhor an Edomite; for he is thy brother: thou shalt not abhor an Egyptian; because thou wast a stranger in his land. (Deuteronomio 23:7)
And he went out to meet Asa, and said unto him, Hear ye me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin; The LORD is with you, while ye be with him; and if ye seek him, he will be found of you; but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you. (2 Crónicas 15:2)
Three shepherds also I cut off in one month; and my soul lothed them, and their soul also abhorred me. (Zacarías 11:8)
And Ahithophel said unto Absalom, Go in unto thy father's concubines, which he hath left to keep the house; and all Israel shall hear that thou art abhorred of thy father: then shall the hands of all that are with thee be strong. (2 Samuel 16:21)
And Jacob said to Simeon and Levi, Ye have troubled me to make me to stink among the inhabitants of the land, among the Canaanites and the Perizzites: and I being few in number, they shall gather themselves together against me, and slay me; and I shall be destroyed, I and my house. (Génesis 34:30)
But now the LORD my God hath given me rest on every side, so that there is neither adversary nor evil occurrent. (1 Reyes 5:4)