King James Version
And he shall offer the one of the turtledoves, or of the young pigeons, such as he can get;(Levítico 14:30)
Even such as he is able to get, the one for a sin offering, and the other for a burnt offering, with the meat offering: and the priest shall make an atonement for him that is to be cleansed before the LORD.(Levítico 14:31)
This is the law of him in whom is the plague of leprosy, whose hand is not able to get that which pertaineth to his cleansing.(Levítico 14:32)
And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying,
When ye be come into the land of Canaan, which I give to you for a possession, and I put the plague of leprosy in a house of the land of your possession;(Levítico 14:34)
And he that owneth the house shall come and tell the priest, saying, It seemeth to me there is as it were a plague in the house:(Levítico 14:35)
Then the priest shall command that they empty the house, before the priest go into it to see the plague, that all that is in the house be not made unclean: and afterward the priest shall go in to see the house:(Levítico 14:36)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "Levítico 14:33":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
No voy a ofrecer un sacrificio que no me cueste nada
En este artículo, el pastor Roberto Miranda habla sobre la importancia del sacrificio y la inversión en el plano material para que se dé un proceso espiritual grandioso en la Congregación León de Judá en Boston. También se habla del valor mágico y misterioso del lugar donde se ofreció el sacrificio en 2 Samuel 24:18-25 y cómo Dios quiere usar este lugar para Su Gloria.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dios quiere que se levante un pueblo que no tenga nada que perder
En este artículo, el Dr. Roberto Miranda habla sobre cómo Dios quiere levantar un pueblo sin nada que perder para usarlo en grandes cosas. Para lograrlo, debemos buscar la santificación y renunciar a los placeres mundanos, confiando en el poder del Espíritu Santo.

Levítico 14:33 - Referencia Cruzada