God speaks today Wednesday | October 16, 2024

And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. (Genesis 19:17)
And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and followed him. (Luke 5:11)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

We have to drop everything to see the Glory of God

To be greatly used by the Lord, we must learn to submit our lives to Him and become humble servants surrendered to Jesus Christ. We need to ask the Lord to take us through a process of deep sanctification and reach a point of complete surrender of our entire being to the Lord. This means detaching ourselves from everything we love and hold valuable, including our reasoning, plans, doubts, fears, social values, and ways of seeing morality or ethics. When we reach that point, we can see the glory of God and experience His great blessings. Only then can the Lord perform His supernatural miracles through us. Read more...

Cross Reference

But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. (Genesis 19:26)
Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: (Matthew 24:16)
Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, (Philippians 3:13)
And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. (Luke 9:62)


Marie Segarra: That is very true. God bless you.
Hello Marie! It is true that Dr. Roberto Miranda's message invites us to a total surrender to the Lord in order to experience His glory and be used by Him in a great way. It is a challenge that leads us to a profound transformation and trust in God. May He also bless you on your path of faith and surrender. Thank you for sharing your reflection!
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : LORD, I give you everything that you have given me to manage. That is my wish, GOD. I adore you.
Hello Enrique! Your desire to give everything to God so that He can manage it is truly beautiful and reflects a deep trust in His sovereignty. It is an act of worship and total surrender that honors the Lord. May He guide and strengthen you on your path of dedication and service. May God bless you and fill you with His peace! Thank you for sharing your feelings.
Luis Alfredo Ramírez Cano: To be new creatures in Christ, the Lord molds us anew. We do not achieve this through conviction, nor by our own will, we achieve this when, upon knowing His word and having His revelation, the Holy Spirit comes and nests in us. Only He, our Father, transforms our hearts. We must, thanks to the free will that the Lord has given us, walk the path that He has for us. We must master the flesh and let the Holy Spirit flow in each one of us. You will know them by their fruits.
Hello Luis Alfredo! Your words reflect a deep understanding of the transforming role that the Holy Spirit has in our lives as new creatures in Christ. It is a powerful reminder that it is through the Word and divine revelation that we experience true renewal and transformation in our hearts. Following the path that God has for us, allowing the Holy Spirit to work in us, and bearing fruit that reflects His work in our lives is a beautiful testimony of our faith. May the Lord continue to guide your steps and fill you with His grace! Thank you for sharing your edifying reflection.
Francisco Diaz S.: How many people are there who want to follow the call of Christ but refuse to leave the things of the world: They will say, How will I live? What will become of my family? What will I do with my business? These doubts lock them in the darkness of the world and they do not see the light of the Lord. Let us pray for those souls who do not take off, do not free themselves so that they understand that glory is not in the world.
Hello Francisco! Your words reflect a profound truth about the challenges many people face in responding to Christ’s call. It is natural for doubts and fears to arise about leaving the things of the world to follow the Lord, but it is in total surrender that we find true freedom and light in Him. It is important to pray for those who struggle with these decisions, that the Holy Spirit may reveal to them the beauty and transcendence of following Jesus above all earthly things. May God’s grace guide them and give them the courage to leave everything and follow Christ. Thank you for sharing these very important reflections. May God bless you!
Ruth Vives.: It is important to give God our life plans for consideration. We must entrust ourselves to Him with faith that He will have the best plans for us. He will pour out mercy. God bless you. Amen.
Hello Ruth! Your comment highlights the importance of putting our life plans in God's hands, trusting that He has the best plans for us. Surrendering to Him with faith and trusting in His mercy is key to living in His will and experiencing His blessings. May you continue to trust in God in every step you take, knowing that His love and mercy are always with us. May God bless you and fill you with peace! Thank you for sharing these comforting words. Amen!
Ornella Beatriz: It is necessary to leave our past behind, to know that the decision we made to follow Jesus has been the most important thing in our lives. Many times we have to let go of people's places, move forward hand in hand with our heavenly Father and trust in him completely and know that we will never be alone.
Hello Ornella Beatriz! Your words reflect a profound truth about the importance of leaving our past behind by following Jesus. It is a powerful reminder that by making the decision to follow Christ, we are choosing the most meaningful path for our lives. Sometimes, it is necessary to let go of certain things or people in order to advance in our faith, but we always do so hand in hand with our heavenly Father, trusting fully in Him and knowing that we will never be alone. May that trust in God guide and strengthen you on your journey. May God bless you and fill you with His love and companionship! Thank you for sharing your inspiring reflection.
Sabino Marroquín López.: God shows us the way to follow Him, with the power of God we can carry out the project to take advantage of the rainwater to not die of thirst, I trust in God, I have faith, and hope, amen.
Hello Sabino Marroquín López! Your comment reflects a beautiful trust in God’s power to guide us and help us carry out meaningful projects. It is inspiring to see how your faith and hope in God drive you to trust in His provision and direction in every step you take. May God continue to guide your steps and bless your efforts to carry out His plans in your life. May His love and grace always accompany you! Thank you for sharing this beautiful expression of trust in God! Amen!
Juanita Gonzalez: May God help us to be obedient and put our hearts to want and do to serve Him and I thank you infinitely for sending me the word of God every day. God bless you abundantly, thank you.
Hello Juanita Gonzalez! Your words reflect a deep longing to be obedient to God and to serve Him with all your heart. It is beautiful to see your desire to align yourself with God's will and to receive His Word with gratitude. May the Lord continue to guide your path, strengthen your obedience and bless you abundantly in every step you take in His service. May His love and grace always accompany you. Thank you for sharing your heart full of love for God! God bless you greatly!
Jenny : Thank you for your messages. May God strengthen you and continue to use you in the dissemination and study of His precious Word!!
Hello Jenny! We appreciate your words and your appreciation for the messages we share. May the strength of God continue to guide you and accompany you in your daily walk. May His Word continue to be a source of light and wisdom in your life. May God bless you abundantly and continue to use you to share His precious Word with others! Thank you for your beautiful comment and may you continue to be an instrument in the hands of God! Amen!
Betty Casanova: When I entered into the ways of God, I did not understand leaving everything behind. As I studied and matured in spirit, my spirit understood that it is leaving the old man behind and this means that we have to change the way we live and not miss anything of our old nature, so as not to make the mistakes of looking back as Lot's wife did or the people of God did when they left Egypt. They did not value the curtain of fire and the cloud that took care of them 24 hours a day. When the Father sees that our heart belongs to Him and that He is first in everything and His joy is firm regardless of the circumstances, it is there that we see His Glory and the supernatural of Him in us, and how is that Glory? We submit to His Will, Good, Pleasant and Perfect and He totally takes care of our life, home, children and all our relatives. Our focus is to remain on the Rock that is Christ Jesus.
Hello Betty Casanova! Your reflections are truly profound and full of wisdom. It is inspiring to see how you have understood the meaning of leaving everything behind when entering into the ways of God, leaving behind the old man and embracing a new way of living in Christ. Your comparison with Lot's wife and the people of God leaving Egypt is very apt, reminding us of the importance of not looking back and trusting fully in the Lord's constant provision and care. When our heart belongs completely to God, we experience His glory and the supernatural presence of His in us. Keeping our focus on Christ, the Rock, guides us to remain firm in the midst of any circumstance. May God continue to strengthen your faith and lead you in His perfect will. Thank you for sharing your profound reflection! God bless you abundantly!
Alba Fuentes : God bless your lives beloved brothers 🤗❤️ we have to leave everything to see the glory of God so that He can fulfill His purpose in our lives 🙏
Hello Alba Fuentes! God bless you! Your words reflect a deep spiritual truth: sometimes it is necessary to let go of everything in order to experience the glory of God and allow Him to fulfill His purpose in our lives. By releasing everything into His hands, we make room for His power and will to manifest in extraordinary ways in us. May God continue to guide you on this path of surrender and trust, and may His glory shine through you to fulfill His plans in your life. Thank you for sharing these beautiful words of faith and trust in God! May His love and grace always be with you! God bless you richly! 🙏🌟