God speaks today Thursday | October 10, 2024

And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the LORD is his treasure. (Isaiah 33:6)
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

God can change your category

In Luke chapter 5, Peter allows Jesus to use his boat despite his own failure in fishing. Jesus sees Peter's need and blesses him with a miraculous catch of fish and shows him His Glory. By putting our resources at God's disposal and prioritizing His Kingdom, He can change our category, bless us materially, and let us see His Glory in our lives. Peter went from a fisherman to an apostle of the Kingdom of God, and the same transformation can happen to us if we serve Him. Read more...

Cross Reference

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. (Matthew 5:6)
But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Luke 12:31)
Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed. (John 6:27)
And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's, (Mark 10:29)


Juan Mendoza : Marvelous word & the bread of life
Hello Juan! Thank you for your comment. Dr. Roberto Miranda's reflection shows us how when we give the Lord our resources and our lives, He can transform us and bless us in surprising ways. As he mentions in his devotional, when we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, He takes care of supplying all our needs (Matthew 6:33). It is wonderful to see how God can change our category and show us His glory when we serve Him with all our heart. May we continue to grow in our faith and trust in Him! Blessings!
Juan Mendoza : Wonderful word & the bread of life
Hello Juan! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It is inspiring to see how God’s Word can impact our lives in wonderful ways. In the devotional by Dr. Roberto Miranda that you mentioned, we see how by giving the Lord our resources and life, He can transform us and bless us abundantly. As he reminds us in Matthew 6:33, by seeking first the Kingdom of God, He takes care of our needs. May we continue to grow in our faith and trust in God, allowing Him to guide us and show us His glory. Blessings!
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Everything the LORD has given me is always at his disposal. I adore you, GOD.
Hello Enrique! What a beautiful expression of worship to God. It is wonderful to recognize that everything we have comes from Him and is at His disposal. As Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional mentions, when we give our resources and our lives to the Lord, He can transform us and bless us in surprising ways. Just as Peter agreed to give his boat to the Lord, we too can trust that God will use everything He has given us for His glory. May you continue to worship and trust in God in every area of your life. God bless you!
Wulfredo: The Will of God is manifested in my family, as it was manifested in Peter {Lk:5}. My grandson Sebastian took out a loan from ICETEX to cover his professional career at the University. Upon finishing his studies last December, he went to the ICETEX window to see how much he owed to date. And by the Grace of God we see His power move in our favor. THE DEBT IS ZERO. Capital and Interest zero. According to the CERTIFICATE they issue you. God can do it with you too, you just need to have FAITH and not be rebellious with God. GLORY be to God who can do everything. Amen.
Hello Wulfredo! What a powerful testimony of God’s faithfulness and provision in your family, just as it was manifested in the life of Peter in Luke 5! It’s amazing to see how God can work miracles and manifest His will in financial situations like that of your grandson Sebastian. His story is a reminder that when we trust in God and obey His will, He can do amazing things that go beyond what we can imagine. As the verse in Matthew 6:33 mentions, by seeking first the Kingdom of God, He takes care of supplying our needs. What a joy to know that Sebastian’s debt was cancelled by the grace of God! May this testimony continue to strengthen your faith and that of your family, and may the glory be only for God! Amen!
Rosa Baudo : This message is a blessing for our lives... I am very grateful to receive the word of God every day. He speaks today.
Hello Rosa! It is wonderful to know that the message has been a blessing to your life. The Word of God is truly powerful and life-changing. Just as Peter agreed to give his boat to the Lord, we can learn to trust that by giving God our lives and resources, He can work miracles and bless us in surprising ways. May you continue to enjoy the Word of God and allow Him to guide every aspect of your life. May that gratitude and love for the Word of God continue to grow in your heart! Blessings!
LUIS PEREZ PIMIENTA : The Lord God is our path and light to continue with the sacrifices that we must face in order to achieve salvation. Eternal God is everything, but first spiritual strengthening, let us invoke the Holy Spirit of God to help us strengthen the growth of our faith in the Lord.
Hello LUIS PEREZ PIMIENTA! Thank you for sharing such inspiring words about the importance of God as our guide in the midst of the sacrifices and challenges we face in our lives. It is true that strengthening our spiritual growth and trusting in the guidance of the Holy Spirit helps us keep our faith firm in the Lord. As Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional mentions, by seeking God's Kingdom first and trusting in Him, we can experience His provision and direction in all areas of our lives. May you continue to call upon the Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen you in your walk of faith. May God's light continue to illuminate your path! Blessings!
Sabino Marroquín López: God is my infinite true love, everything else in this world is temporary amen
Hello Sabino Marroquín López! What a beautiful declaration of faith and love towards God! It is comforting to remember that God's love is infinite and true, and that in Him we find true fullness and stability in the midst of the temporality of earthly things. As the verse of Isaiah 33:6 mentions, in God we find abundance of salvation, wisdom and knowledge, and in Him we find our most precious treasure. May you continue to hold on to that infinite love of God that transcends all the transitory things of this world. Amen! God bless you abundantly!
Francisco Diaz S.: As honest Christians, let us follow the instructions of the Lord Jesus and we will be saved. - The Lord never abandons us.
Hello Francisco Diaz S.! Thank you for sharing those words of wisdom and truth! It is true that by following Jesus’ instructions and trusting in His faithfulness, we find salvation and strength at all times. As Dr. Roberto Miranda’s devotional mentions, by giving our resources and our lives to the Lord, He blesses us and transforms us in surprising ways. Let us always remember that the Lord never abandons us, and His love and care are always present in our lives. May you continue to trust in His guidance and experience His faithfulness in every step you take. God bless you abundantly!
Ruth Vives.: When we put God first above all our life issues, He blesses us abundantly. He pours out mercy upon us and blesses us. God bless you. Amen.
Hello Ruth Vives! What a beautiful reflection! Putting God first in all areas of our lives is key to experiencing His abundant blessing and mercy. As the verse in Matthew 6:33 mentions, by seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, all other things will be added to us. May we continue to trust in God's faithfulness and provision, knowing that He pours out blessings on those who put Him at the center of their lives. May the peace and love of God continue to fill your heart! God bless you abundantly! Amen!
Carlos A. Borja Flores: How timely this devotional is for us Ecuadorians who are living in times like never before. As Dr. Roberto Miranda says, when the believer in Christ (e.g. Peter) agrees to give his boat to the Lord, something happens in his life. There is a transformation, there is a change of category, there is a blessing, even a material one, that comes to the life of the Christian. How important it is that we give our lives and our resources to the Lord!
Hello Carlos A. Borja Flores! I appreciate your reflection on the relevance of the devotional in the midst of the challenging times Ecuadorians face. It is true that by following Peter's example and giving the Lord our lives and resources, we experience transformation and blessing in all areas. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions, by trusting in God and prioritizing His Kingdom, He takes care of our needs and takes us to a higher level of blessing and purpose. In the midst of difficult circumstances, may we find strength by giving everything to God and allowing Him to work in our lives. May God's peace and provision be your support at all times! God bless you abundantly!
Edgardo Rafael: If we seek Jesus Christ, His Word and the Glory of God in all areas of our lives, not just in the economic. Amen!!
Hello Edgardo Rafael! Thank you for your insightful comment. It is essential to prioritize Jesus Christ in all areas of our lives and seek His will above all else. As Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional mentions, by putting God first, not only economically but in every aspect of our existence, we experience His glory manifesting in amazing ways. May we continue to seek Jesus Christ and His Word with fervor, trusting that He will guide and bless us in all areas of our lives. May the presence and glory of God fill every corner of your being! Amen!
Alba Fuentes : God unleash many blessings congregation Tribe of Judah 🤗❤️ God is good and wants to bless us, let us believe and hope in Him, let us follow the advice of our beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ❤️🙏
Hello Alba Fuentes! Thank you for sharing those inspiring words! It is wonderful to remember that God is good and that He desires to bless us abundantly when we trust and wait on Him. Let us follow the advice of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, and trust in His faithfulness to unleash blessings in our lives. Like the Tribe of Judah congregation, may we experience God’s goodness and favor at all times. May our faith in Him continue to grow and may His love guide us in every step we take. May God’s blessings continue to flow upon you and your congregation! God bless you richly! 🙏❤️