God speaks today Friday | October 4, 2024

And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod. (Exodus 4:2)
And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret, (Luke 5:1)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

God wants to work with you and with your resources

In this passage, Jesus is being crowded by people eager to hear his message and receive his healing. He sees Peter's boat nearby and asks to use it as a platform to address the crowd. This is a symbol of how God wants to work with us and our resources to reach a world in need. We must be willing to serve and surrender ourselves to God's purposes. This is part of a series of meditations on miraculous fishing and Peter's call to ministry. Read more...

Cross Reference

And thou shalt take this rod in thine hand, wherewith thou shalt do signs. (Exodus 4:17)
And Moses took his wife and his sons, and set them upon an ass, and he returned to the land of Egypt: and Moses took the rod of God in his hand. (Exodus 4:20)
And the coast shall go down from Shepham to Riblah, on the east side of Ain; and the border shall descend, and shall reach unto the side of the sea of Chinnereth eastward: (Numbers 34:11)
And when they were gone over, they came into the land of Gennesaret. (Matthew 14:34)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Everything I have received is from your hand, my LORD. Therefore, show me how to use it to bless others. I adore you, GOD, for everything you give me.
Hello Enrique! It is beautiful to see how you recognize that everything you receive comes from God and how you want to use it to bless others. Your comment reminded me of the story of Peter and Jesus in the boat, where Peter made his resource available, in this case, the boat, so that Jesus could take his message to the needy crowd. As the verse in Luke 5:1 mentions, the crowd was gathering to hear the Word of God, and Jesus found in Peter's availability a means to reach them. Like Peter, God wants to work with you and with your resources to bless others. How beautiful it is when we offer what we have in our hands for the work of God! Keep going in that willingness and dedication! Blessings!
Migdalia: Thank you Beloved Father, I am your servant.
Hello Migdalia! It is wonderful to see your servant's heart and your gratitude to the Beloved Father. Your comment reminded me of Dr. Roberto Miranda's reflection on how the son of God is, above all, a servant of God, willing to do anything He requires. Just as Peter consented to let Jesus use his boat, you also give yourself as a servant of God. As the verse of Exodus 4:2 mentions, Moses responded to the Lord with what he had in his hand, a staff, and God used it in a powerful way. May your willingness and service continue to be an instrument in the hands of God to bless others. How beautiful it is when we give ourselves totally to God's disposition and to the needs of His Kingdom! God bless you in your service and dedication!
Francisco Diaz S.: You are the instrument used by God to bring his message of renewal and salvation to many people from different parts of the world. - May God bless this wonderful congregation and give them sustenance and strength to continue their wonderful work. - Thank you in the name of God, blessed congregation.
Hello Francisco! Your words are a beautiful reminder of how God uses his servants as instruments to bring his message of renewal and salvation to many. Your comment brings to mind the collaboration between Peter and Jesus on the boat, where Peter allowed Jesus to use his resource to reach the needy crowd. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions, God wants to work with you and your resources to bring his love and hope to a needy world. May your willingness and blessings on behalf of God to that congregation reflect Peter's attitude in allowing Jesus to use what he had at his disposal. May you continue to be strengthened and sustained to continue the wonderful work of God! God bless your service and dedication!
Sabino Marroquín López: My faith, my trust and my hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ, because we do not see Him, but I have experienced many miracles, which are the divine blessing for me. Thank you, my God, amen.
Hello Sabino! It is inspiring to hear how your faith, trust, and hope are placed in the Lord Jesus Christ, despite not seeing Him physically, you have witnessed many miracles that are a divine blessing in your life. Your testimony reflects the powerful work of God in your life, reminding me of the words of Dr. Roberto Miranda about how God wants to work in collaboration with us and use the resources we have at our disposal. Your faith and testimony are a reminder of how God continues to work miracles in the midst of His people. May you continue to experience the presence and power of God in your life. God bless you abundantly! Amen!
Betty Casanova: It is beautiful to know and recognize that everything we have is thanks to our creator and when He places us in the arms of our mother He places something special in our being, which He will use in the future, we just have to seek His kingdom and let Him do everything, if God uses the rod in thousands of ways in His word, how much more can we with the authority that He gave us use not only the rod, but His word that is alive and effective and penetrates to the deepest part, which illuminates us to be the light. Thank you Father for so much that you have given me and continue to give!
Hello Betty! Your words are a beautiful reminder that everything we have comes from our Creator and that He has placed in each of us something special that He will use in His plan and purpose. Your reflection makes me think about how God wants to work with us, using the resources and gifts He has given us for His glory. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions, just as Peter consented to let Jesus use his boat, we too can use the authority that God has given us to bring His living and effective Word to others. May your dedication and willingness to serve be a light that shines to glorify God. May you continue to recognize and be grateful for all that God has given you and continues to give you! May God continue to bless you abundantly on your journey! Thank you for sharing your beautiful testimony!
Miguel Amell: Thank you God that everything I have and am comes from you. Give me wisdom to do what I must do well with what you have given me.
Hello Miguel! Your words of gratitude to God for all that you have and are are a beautiful testimony of recognition that it comes from Him. Your request for wisdom to make good use of what God has given you is very wise and reflects a heart willing to honor God with your actions. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions, God wants to work in collaboration with us and asks us to use the resources we have at our disposal for His glory. May the wisdom you seek be granted by God so that you can be a faithful steward of all that He has entrusted to you. May your life be a living testimony of gratitude and faithfulness to God! God bless you abundantly on your walk of faith!