God speaks today Thursday | October 3, 2024

And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; (Isaiah 11:2)
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. (John 16:13)
Charles Spurgeon

All the truth

The truth is like a vast cavern that requires a guide to navigate. The Holy Spirit is the guide assigned to true believers, leading them from one inner chamber to another to behold the deepest things of God. We need guidance to avoid biases and maintain balance, and the Spirit of God has come to guide us into all truth. We should listen to His words and follow His guidance with obedient hearts. Read more...

Cross Reference

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (John 14:26)
Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. (John 14:17)
But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. (1 Corinthians 2:10)
But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me: (John 15:26)


Yajaira Orta: That our comforter makes us know and guides us into all truth, reveals it and brings to light all that is hidden. I love the Holy Spirit
What a beautiful comment, Yajaira Orta! It is wonderful how the Holy Spirit, our Comforter, guides us into all truth and reveals to us what is hidden. As mentioned in John 16:13, He leads us into complete truth and shows us what is to come. It is truly a gift to have the Spirit of God as our guide and mentor in our spiritual walk. May we continue to love and trust in the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our lives! Blessings!
Dolores B. Matos: Very nice, this reflection today, we must ask the Holy Spirit to never stop guiding us. God bless you for sending me
What a beautiful comment, Dolores B. Matos! It is true that it is essential to ask the Holy Spirit to never stop guiding us in our daily walk with God. As Isaiah 11:2 says, the Spirit of the Lord grants us wisdom, intelligence, counsel, power, knowledge and fear of the Lord. May we continue to trust in His guidance and allow Him to reveal all the truth to us. God bless you abundantly!
Thank you for your comment, JOSE D SALAS! It is wonderful to receive and meditate on the Word of God that guides us to all truth through the Holy Spirit, as mentioned in John 16:13. May we continue to seek and value the truth that comes from God. May His Word continue to be a source of light and guidance in our lives! Blessings!
Óscar Sánchez Oviedo : This is how it is written: clear, short and forceful. May honor always go to God.
What an apt comment, Oscar Sanchez Oviedo! It is true that the Word of God, through the Holy Spirit, guides us clearly and precisely into all truth, as John 16:13 mentions. It is wonderful to be able to always honor God for revealing His truth to us and being our constant guide. May we continue to value and share the divine wisdom contained in the Scriptures. May the honor and glory always be to Him! God bless you!
Patricia Campo: I ask the Eternal Father to instruct and guide me day by day with his Holy Spirit. May every action I undertake have his approval.
What a beautiful prayer, Patricia Campo! It is wonderful to seek the guidance and instruction of the Eternal Father through His Holy Spirit. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, the Holy Spirit is our assigned guide to lead us into all truth. May every step we take be in accordance with His will and may we always seek His approval in all we do. May the light and wisdom of the Holy Spirit illuminate every aspect of your life! God bless you richly!
Patricia Campo: I ask the Eternal Father to instruct and guide me day by day with his Holy Spirit. May every action I undertake have his approval.
What a beautiful prayer, Patricia Campo! It is wonderful to seek the guidance and instruction of the Eternal Father through His Holy Spirit. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, the Holy Spirit is our assigned guide to lead us into all truth. May every step we take be in accordance with His will and may we always seek His approval in all we do. May the light and wisdom of the Holy Spirit illuminate every aspect of your life! God bless you richly!
Flor de Maria Campo Perez: Hallelujah, Glory to God. I want and long for more wisdom with His Holy Spirit in me and I in Him. Amen.
Amen, Flor de Maria Campo Perez! It is beautiful to hear your desire for more wisdom through the Holy Spirit. As the Scriptures mention in John 16:13, the Spirit of truth guides us into all truth. May your longing for divine wisdom be constant and may your communion with the Holy Spirit lead you to a greater understanding of God’s will. May your life reflect glory and praise to the Lord at all times! God bless you abundantly!
Francisco Diaz S.: Let us ask the Lord for wisdom and understanding to understand the wonders that the Bible shows us. - May the spirit of the Lord be our guide
What a beautiful request, Francisco Díaz S.! It is essential to ask the Lord for wisdom and understanding in order to understand the wonders He reveals to us in His Word. As the verse in Isaiah 11:2 mentions, the Spirit of the Lord grants us wisdom and knowledge. May we continue to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, as John 16:13 exhorts us, to be led into all truth and to be able to understand the depths of the Bible. May the light and revelation of the Spirit accompany us in our daily walk! May God richly bless you in your search for wisdom and spiritual understanding!
Makerys Pinto: Thank you for sharing today's devotional. The words of Isaiah 11:2 and John 16:13 have been a great inspiration and guide for me. I greatly appreciate the effort you put into sending these uplifting messages. May the Spirit of the Lord continue to guide us into all truth and strengthen us in wisdom and knowledge. Blessings, Makerys Pinto
What a beautiful message, Makerys Pinto! It is inspiring to see how the words of Isaiah 11:2 and John 16:13 have been a guide and inspiration for you. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, the Holy Spirit is our appointed guide to lead us into all truth. May His wisdom and knowledge continue to strengthen you in your spiritual walk and may you continue to be edified by the Scriptures. I appreciate your appreciation for the edifying messages and may the guidance of the Lord's Spirit accompany you in every step you take. May God bless you abundantly in your search for truth and divine wisdom!
Sabino Marroquín López.: I thank the Lord my God, because he gives me intelligence and wisdom, which are a gift from God, to continue working to help helpless children. Amen.
What a beautiful expression of gratitude, Sabino Marroquín López! It is wonderful to recognize that the intelligence and wisdom you receive are gifts from God, as we are reminded in Isaiah 11:2. May your work in helping abandoned children be guided by divine wisdom and may you be an instrument in the hands of God to bring light and hope to those who need it most. May the Spirit of the Lord continue to train and strengthen you in your noble work! May God bless you abundantly in your service and mission!
Ruth Vives.: We must take care even when the light of the Holy Spirit is granted to us with care, humility so that we charge God with
Dear Ruth Vives, your words are very wise. It is true that we must diligently guard the light that is granted to us by the Holy Spirit, as Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional. Humility and reverence are key to staying close to God and in communion with Him. Let us always remember the importance of following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, as John 16:13 urges us, so as not to stray from the path of truth. May your heart remain open to divine correction and direction at all times. May the grace and wisdom of the Holy Spirit accompany you on your walk of faith! God bless you and keep you in His loving care!
Betty Casanova: This word invites us to be ready to know the word, so that the Holy Spirit feels joyful to dwell in our body, which is his temple and home and there He uses us as and when He wants, He is sure of that heart willing to receive his Wisdom and Knowledge, for us as citizens of the Kingdom to sow it in good soil. Thank you Father for giving me a Wise heart to have at your disposal, you are the God who guides my path and life.
Dear Betty Casanova, your words reflect a deep understanding of the importance of being open to the knowledge of the Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It is beautiful to see how you recognize that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, as Scripture reminds us. By being willing to receive His wisdom and knowledge, we become useful vessels to sow truth in those around us, as you rightly mention. May your heart continue to be receptive to divine guidance and may your life be a reflection of God’s wisdom and love. May you continue to be an instrument in His hands to bring light and hope wherever you go! May God richly bless you and continue to guide your steps on His path of truth and love!
Ruth Vives.: We must take care even when the light of the Holy Spirit is granted to us with care, humility so that we honor God with this privilege. Because, He is the one who grants us this privilege. Ask Him with humility for direction at all times to do the designated works in the light of the Holy Spirit. God bless you. Amen.
Dear Ruth Vives, your words are a valuable reminder of the importance of humbly and reverently caring for the privilege of having the light of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Recognizing that it is God who grants us this gift is essential to keep us on the path of His will and glory. Humbly asking for His direction at all times helps us accomplish the works designated by Him, just as Charles Spurgeon encourages us in his devotional. May your heart remain docile to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and may every step you take be to honor and glorify God. May His grace and peace always accompany you on your spiritual journey! God bless you and keep you with His eternal love! Amen!
Ruth Vives.: Sometimes God needs more from us and entrusts us to preach his word and bring the good news. To Christians with faith for the salvation of our lives. God calls us to sacrifice, love and blessing. We must be spiritually attentive to this call. God bless you. Amen.
Dear Ruth Vives, your words reflect a deep understanding of the importance of being attentive to God’s call to preach His Word and bring the good news to those around us. It is true that sometimes we are entrusted with special missions that require sacrifice, love and obedience. Being spiritually alert to that call is essential to fulfill the work that God has assigned to us, as John 16:13 reminds us. May your heart always be ready to respond with faith and courage to the voice of God, bringing light and hope to those who need to hear His message of love and salvation. May the Lord strengthen and enable you to fulfill His purpose in your life! God bless you abundantly in your service and mission! Amen!