God speaks today Saturday | September 28, 2024

The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat. (Proverbs 13:4)
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. (Philippians 4:13)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

A vision with action can change the world

Successful people have the ability to turn their visions into concrete actions. They combine the ability to dream with the discipline to execute. Without action, visions are just idle dreams. We must transform our plans into reality by incorporating them into the dimension of time and space with patience and determination. Start with what you have at hand and let the dream guide you step by step. Begin by doing what is necessary, then move on to what is possible, and eventually, you will find yourself doing the impossible. Read more...

Cross Reference

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. (Isaiah 41:10)
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness; (Colossians 1:11)
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. (Ephesians 6:10)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Thank you, my LORD, for the dreams you allow me to fulfill every day. They are all important to me. Receive my adoration today, GOD.
What a beautiful expression of gratitude and worship, Enrique! Your words reflect a deep connection with God and a willingness to carry out the dreams He has placed in your heart. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, it is essential to combine our dreams with concrete actions in the dimension of time and space. May the willingness to implement your visions one piece at a time guide you toward the realization of all that God has prepared for you. As the Bible reminds us in Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." God bless you on this path of faith and action!
Carlos Hernan Diaz: With God's help and our own effort, we are gradually reaching the purpose that God has for our lives. We have a small family business dedicated to microfilming and digitization services, and we have gone through many situations, good and bad, but we have persisted and persevered and little by little we have expanded our horizons to include new projects and potential clients. God is great and wonderful.
Carlos, what an inspiring testimony you share! It is wonderful to see how, with God's help and your constant effort, you have managed to advance and prosper in your family business dedicated to microfilming and digitization services. Your perseverance and faith are clear examples of how, by drawing up a plan and carrying it out with discipline, goals can be achieved and obstacles overcome. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, the combination of vision and action is powerful and can bring about significant transformations. May God's guidance continue to illuminate your path and open new doors for your business and your family. As Proverbs 13:4 reminds us, "The soul of the diligent is satisfied." May God continue to bless your effort and dedication!
Betty Casanova: We have to be diligent like Jesus, laziness does not lead to any path, it distracts us from the purpose and the Father's plans to fulfill them. Focused diligence has a price, but it is never or will never be like the price of Jesus on the Cross, thanks to the Father and the Sacrifice of Jesus who left us the path prepared to follow it with the Will and the desire to do it in our hearts to achieve it, we will fail, of course we will, but being clear that He is with us always gives us the courage to correct and continue. Thank you Father for your faithfulness to walk with me and my house always, I praise and bless you.
What a beautiful reflection, Betty. Your comparison between focused diligence and the example of Jesus is very powerful. As you mention, laziness can lead us astray from the purpose and plans that God has for our lives, while diligence brings us closer to them. It is comforting to remember that, despite our mistakes and failures, we can trust in God's faithfulness and in Jesus' guidance in our walk. Just as Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, the combination of vision and action, along with the will to persevere, allows us to move forward toward the realization of the dreams that God has placed in our hearts. May the courage and determination that you find in faith propel you forward on the path that God has laid out for you and your family! As Philippians 4:13 reminds us, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." God bless you abundantly in this beautiful process of growth and service!
Ruth Lilian Acuña Ferreira : Great reflection, thank you for the word of today and of every day. You help me and guide me with the word of God. Thank you very much. With much effort, with faith and taking me by the hand, our Lord has guided me, God is good. And at 70 years old, I can wait calmly and in peace for the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you, from Chile, Casablanca.
Ruth Lilian, what a beautiful testimony of faith and gratitude you share from Chile! It is inspiring to see how, over the years, you have trusted in the Lord, taking His hand and allowing Him to guide you every step of your way. Your perseverance, your faith, and your connection with the Word of God are examples of how the combination of vision and action, along with divine guidance, can lead us to experience the goodness and faithfulness of God in our lives. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, holding on to the dreams that God has placed in our hearts leads us to full realization and allows us to move forward with confidence toward the future that He has prepared for us. May the peace and tranquility that you find in the presence of the Lord continue to accompany you every day, and may the hope in the coming of Jesus Christ fill your heart with joy and certainty. God bless you abundantly in this beautiful stage of your life! As Proverbs 13:4 reminds us, “The soul of the lazy man desires much, but achieves nothing; but the soul of the diligent is satisfied.” What a joy to know that you have been diligent in your walk with God!
Rafael D. García: Deep message. Excellent. Blessings Dr. Miranda.
What a beautiful recognition, Rafael. It is wonderful to see how the depth of the message shared by Dr. Roberto Miranda resonates in your heart. As he mentions in his devotional, the importance of combining vision and action to carry out the dreams that God has placed in us is fundamental in our walk of faith. May God's blessings and wisdom continue to guide your life and strengthen your relationship with Him. May the combination of faith and determination lead you to achieve great things for His glory! As Philippians 4:13 reminds us, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." May God richly bless you on your journey of faith and action!
Francisco Diaz S: The world is constantly changing, the science of good is a gift from God and scientists are the architects. - "Be careful" but there is the science of good and the science of evil, let us not be carried away by the bad influences of modernism that will lead us to perdition.
Francisco, thank you for sharing your reflection on the constant transformation of the world and the importance of discerning between science that works for good and that which can lead us astray. It is essential to remember, as Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, that the combination of vision and action must be rooted in the will of God so that our efforts have a positive impact on the world around us. Standing firm in faith and divine principles helps us discern between what builds and what destroys, between light and darkness. May God's wisdom guide your steps and strengthen you to resist the negative influences of today's world. As Proverbs 13:4 reminds us, "The soul of the lazy man desires much, but achieves nothing; but the soul of the diligent is satisfied." May your diligence in seeking the truth and acting in goodness be a luminous testimony in the midst of confusion and ambiguity! May God bless you and sustain you on His loving path of light and righteousness!
Ruth Vives.: God allows us to dream and aspire to achieve our dreams. The Word and the biblical doctrines also urge us to examine and take care that every desire is aligned with the commandments of God. This will complement every vision and action of our lives. God bless you. Amen.
Ruth Vives, what a beautiful reflection you share about the importance of aligning our dreams and desires with God’s will! As you mention, the combination of vision and action makes even more sense when our desires are in harmony with the principles and mandates we find in the Word of God. By examining and ensuring that our desires are aligned with His will, we allow each step we take in the direction of our dreams to be guided by divine wisdom. May God’s blessing continue to illuminate your paths and may His Word be the constant guide in your life. As you remind us, discernment is key so that our vision and actions reflect God’s glory at all times. May His peace and love fill your heart and drive you to move forward with faith and diligence! I declare with you: God bless you! Amen.
MARIA LISETTE VASQUEZ: Thank you for being God's instrument. I have been reading your writings for some time and they bless me, they always confirm what God has given me. You continue to be that immense light in the midst of so much darkness.
María Lisette, qué hermoso testimonio compartes sobre la bendición que has recibido a través de los escritos de Dr. Roberto Miranda. Es inspirador ver cómo sus palabras han confirmado lo que Dios ha sembrado en tu corazón, guiándote y fortaleciéndote en tu caminar de fe. Como mencionas, en medio de la oscuridad que a veces nos rodea, la luz de la sabiduría divina brilla a través de aquellos que son instrumentos de Dios para llevar esperanza y claridad a otros. Que esa luz inmensa que has encontrado en sus escritos te siga iluminando y guiando en tu jornada espiritual. Que la presencia de Dios sea palpable en cada paso que des y que Su paz inunde tu vida en abundancia. Que sigas siendo receptora de las bendiciones que Él derrama sobre ti a través de la revelación de Su Palabra. ¡Dios te guarde y siga revelándose a ti de manera especial! ¡Que Su luz continúe brillando en medio de tu camino!