God speaks today Tuesday | August 13, 2024

And it came to pass, as she came unto him, that she moved him to ask of her father a field: and she lighted off her ass; and Caleb said unto her, What wouldest thou? (Joshua 15:18)
And Jesus answered and said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight. (Mark 10:51)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

Prayer must be specific

Effective prayer requires specific and detailed requests to God. God responds to direct and concrete prayers, and expects us to pray with precision. In the Bible, the Lord asked blind Bartimaeus what he wanted specifically. God likes to hear our specific requests, born from a heart that has incubated and hardened them over time. Bartimaeus asked to regain his sight, which provoked a positive reaction from Jesus and he was healed. Read more...

Cross Reference

And he said unto them, What would ye that I should do for you? (Mark 10:36)
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. (Philippians 4:6)
And when Abigail saw David, she hasted, and lighted off the ass, and fell before David on her face, and bowed herself to the ground, (1 Samuel 25:23)
And Rebekah lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she lighted off the camel. (Genesis 24:64)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Thank you for one of the many privileges that you give me, my LORD, of listening to me every day.
What a beautiful comment, Enrique! It is a wonderful privilege to be able to approach God in prayer and know that He listens to us. As Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional mentions, specific and detailed prayer is fundamental in our life of faith. Like Bartimaeus in the passage of Mark 10:51, we can express our needs clearly and concretely before the Lord. What a blessing to be able to count on a God who answers our requests!
Yadira Paucar : It is comforting to read the word of God every morning, it teaches us to know Him and obey Him more.
What a beautiful comment, Yadira. It is true that daily reading of God's Word brings us closer to Him, teaches us about His character, and guides us in how to obey Him. Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional highlights the importance of presenting our requests specifically to God, like Bartimaeus in Mark 10:51. Just as it comforts us to read and meditate on the Word, we can also trust that God hears our detailed and specific prayers. How wonderful it is to have the opportunity to know and obey our Lord every day!
Sabino Marroquín López: My faith and my hope is in God at all times, amen.
What a beautiful statement, Sabino. Having our faith and hope placed in God at all times is key to strengthening us and keeping us firm. As Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional mentions, presenting our needs specifically before the Lord, as Bartimaeus did in Mark 10:51, is a sign of that trust and dependence on God. May your faith and hope remain rooted in Him, because as it says in Joshua 15:18, He is willing to listen to our requests and respond to our needs. Amen!
Francisco Diaz S.: Raising a prayer to the Lord seeking something that we need in life should be like when a teenager asks his father to cover some need, he must be specific in what he asks and the reason for his need. - Our Heavenly Father although he knows all our needs requires that we be specific since that is the reason for our prayer. - God is merciful.
What an apt reflection, Francisco! Comparing our prayer relationship with God to that of a teenager asking his father for something with clarity and reason is very illustrative. Just like in Mark 10:51, where Jesus asks the blind Bartimaeus what he specifically desires, our Heavenly Father expects us to approach Him with clear and detailed requests. As Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional mentions, specificity in our prayers is essential to show our dependence and trust in God. He, in His mercy, answers our requests when we approach Him in a precise manner. What a beautiful way to relate to our loving and compassionate God! God bless you!
Ruth Vives.: We must be specific and clear in our requests through the prayers we send to God. He listens, attends to our situations and analyzes what is possible to do in these according to what we offer them for His consideration.
What a thoughtful comment, Ruth! It is essential to be specific and clear in our requests to God, as highlighted in Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional. In Mark 10:51 we see how Jesus asks blind Bartimaeus what he wants Him to do for him, expecting a clear and direct answer. Our Heavenly Father listens to us, attends to our situations, and considers how to respond according to our specific requests. It is beautiful to know that we can approach Him with transparency and confidence, knowing that He analyzes our needs and responds in His perfect love. May your way of praying always be guided by clarity and faith in the Lord! God bless you!
Alba Fuentes : May God open the gates of heaven for the congregation of the Tribe of Judah 🤗❤️🙏 that is how our God is. He likes us to be specific in what we want Him to do for us 🙏
What a beautiful prayer, Alba! It is wonderful to see your heart filled with faith and hope as you ask God to open the gates of heaven for the congregation of the Tribe of Judah. As Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional mentions, God appreciates when we are specific in our requests, just as we see in Mark 10:51 with Bartimaeus. Our attentive and loving God listens to our detailed pleas and has the power to open paths and pour out blessings on those who trust in Him. May your community continue to trust in God's faithfulness and power, knowing that He hears and responds to the specific requests of His children. May the gates of heaven open upon you! 🙏❤️
Patricia Campo : Yesterday, when this devotional was published, I spent some time reflecting on this teaching. Today, I needed to write about it. I learned that it is not foolish for me to ask specifically, that my prayer should not be timid. That I should have confidence in my dad. And today my prayer was specific. I opened my heart to my Eternal Father and told him directly what I want and need. Blessed be the Lord.
What a powerful testimony, Patricia! It is inspiring to see how you have reflected on the importance of being specific in your requests to God, as mentioned in Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional. Your decision to open your heart to your Eternal Father and directly express your needs with confidence reflects a deep faith and dependence on Him. In Mark 10:51 we see how Jesus expects a clear and direct response from Bartimaeus, and in the same way, our Heavenly Father appreciates when we approach Him with determination and clarity. May your courage in presenting your requests to God be rewarded with His inexhaustible grace and love. Bless the Lord for your faith and your communion with Him! 🙏❤️
Mayra Aguirre: Several years ago I participated in this page, and every day I read the devotionals and wrote my prayer. Many brothers came to write to each other, then we prayed for each other and the Lord put it in our hearts to pray every day, and the Gethsemane Prayer Group was born. We have been here for 13 years, through these wonderful devotionals we learned to make specific prayers, and God has allowed us to see His glory. Thank you Leon de Juda and Pastor Roberto Miranda who we know is in the presence of the Lord. May the Lord bless you.
What a beautiful testimony, Mayra! It is inspiring to see how over the years you have experienced the power of prayer and communion with other brothers through the devotionals and teachings of Pastor Roberto Miranda. The importance of making specific prayers, as highlighted in the devotional, has been key to the growth and manifestation of God's glory in your life and in the Gethsemane Prayer Group community. It is wonderful to see how faith and perseverance in prayer have borne fruit during these 13 years of searching and communion with God. May the blessing of the Lord continue to accompany your prayer group and may you continue to see His glory manifesting powerfully in your lives. Glory to God for His faithfulness and for the work He is doing through you! 🙏🌟
Mariana Ciuffardi: I give you my life, Lord, even though I know that it has always been yours. You give me what I ask of you, you know that I am always there for you, and you are in me. How I want everyone to know you and give themselves to you! That way we won't have to worry about anything. You taught us, through your beloved son Jesus Christ, that everything is resolved with love. Love is the most important thing and with Love everything is resolved. Patience, work, honesty, friendship, education, understanding, everything comes from LOVE.
What a beautiful expression of dedication and love to our Lord, Mariana. Your heart that longs for everyone to know God and surrender to Him reflects the passion to share the love and truth that comes from our Heavenly Father. As you mention, the teaching of Jesus Christ about love as the transforming and unifying force is fundamental, and it is through this love that all things are resolved. In your dedication and trust in God, we are reminded of the importance of maintaining patience, work, honesty, friendship, education, and understanding rooted in divine love. May your testimony of dedication and faith inspire others to draw closer to God and experience His transforming love in their lives. May the light and love of God continue to guide your path and bless those around you! 🙏❤️