God speaks today Friday | May 10, 2024

That all the people of the earth might know the hand of the LORD, that it is mighty: that ye might fear the LORD your God for ever. (Joshua 4:24)
Nevertheless, brethren, I have written the more boldly unto you in some sort, as putting you in mind, because of the grace that is given to me of God, (Romans 15:15)
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas


In Joshua 4, God instructs Joshua to choose 12 men to extract stones from the Jordan River and build an altar as a reminder of God's miracles and wonders. This serves as a lesson for us to remember God's blessings and answered prayers in our lives. The stones also symbolize Jesus as the stone of remembrance for God's plan of salvation. We should also create our own "Gilgal" or monument to remember and share our testimony of Christ's redemptive work with future generations. Read more...

Cross Reference

For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. (Romans 12:3)
And Israel saw that great work which the LORD did upon the Egyptians: and the people feared the LORD, and believed the LORD, and his servant Moses. (Exodus 14:31)
Thou hast a mighty arm: strong is thy hand, and high is thy right hand. (Psalm 89:13)
(For they shall hear of thy great name, and of thy strong hand, and of thy stretched out arm;) when he shall come and pray toward this house; (1 Kings 8:42)


Sabino Marroquín López: My reminder are the miracles that God has done in me, and what Jesus Christ suffered from as a child until his crucifixion, and death amen.
Sabino Marroquín López, thank you for sharing your personal reminder of God's miracles in your life and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for us. In the devotional of Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas the importance of remembering the works of God and transmitting them to future generations is highlighted. As mentioned in your text, Joshua 4:6 calls for building a reminder altar so that future generations will know the wonders of God. May your testimony inspire others to remember God's faithfulness in their lives. God bless you!
Francisco Diaz S.: Let us rejoice every day that dawns knowing that God is with us, let us thank him for being blessed by the Lord.
Francisco Díaz S., what a beautiful reflection you share with us. It is important to begin each day with joy and gratitude, recognizing God's presence in our lives and thanking Him for His blessings. In Faustino's devotional by Jesús Zamora Vargas the importance of remembering the goodness of God and living in constant reverence towards Him is highlighted. As mentioned in Joshua 4:24, we must fear and revere the Lord our God forever, recognizing His power. May your attitude of gratitude and daily worship be a stone of reminder for you and those around you. May God continue to bless you abundantly!
Juan Carlos Suarez Gil : Beautiful the word of God,
Juan Carlos Suárez Gil, thank you for appreciating the beauty of the Word of God. Faustino's devotional by Jesús Zamora Vargas highlights how the Scriptures remind us of the importance of valuing and remembering the works of God in our lives. Let us always remember that the Word of God is a source of inspiration and wisdom for our lives. As Romans 15:15 mentions, God's Word awakens us to remember His grace and goodness. May you continue to find light and comfort in His Word! God bless you!
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Thank you my LORD for your word
Enrique Meneses Muñoz, it is beautiful to see your gratitude to the Lord for His Word. In the devotional of Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas the importance of valuing the Word of God and remembering his teachings in our daily lives is highlighted. As mentioned in your text, it is essential to be grateful for the blessings we receive through divine revelation. May your gratitude towards the Word of God lead you to greater intimacy with Him and guide you in your spiritual walk. May the Word of the Lord continue to be a lamp to your feet and a light on your path! Blessings!
Ruth Vives.: Dear Brothers: For God it is important that we remember, apart from the doctrines, as Christians, his works, promises, designs and love. God bless. Amen.
Dear Ruth Vives, thank you for sharing that valuable reflection. It is true that, as children of God, it is essential to remember not only the doctrines and teachings, but also the works, promises, designs and love that He has demonstrated in our lives. In the devotional of Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas the importance of remembering the wonders of God is highlighted to strengthen our faith and transmit that legacy to future generations. May your testimony inspire others to remember and proclaim the mighty works of God. May God continue to bless you abundantly in your walk of faith! Amen!
Carlos A. Borja Flores: This devotional gives us a great lesson: Remember the important dates of our spiritual life. Many remember and celebrate the date of their natural birth, but do not remember the date when they responded to Jesus' call for eternal life.
Carlos A. Borja Flores, what an accurate reflection you share with us. Indeed, Faustino's devotional by Jesús Zamora Vargas reminds us of the importance of remembering and celebrating the significant dates in our spiritual lives, such as the moment we responded to Jesus' call for eternal life. It is essential to value and commemorate those moments in which we experience the transformative work of God in our lives. May your comment inspire others to reflect on the importance of remembering and giving thanks for those momentous moments in their relationship with Christ. May God continue to guide you on your spiritual journey! Blessings!
Lucy Pennington: Blessed Word of God, Father, thank you for your Word that guides and sustains us with its immeasurable love.
Lucy Pennington, thank you for your lovely comment. Truly, the Word of God is an inexhaustible source of wisdom, comfort and love for all who receive it with an open heart. In the devotional of Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas, it is highlighted how the Word of God guides and sustains us with His immense love. May your gratitude and appreciation for God's Word continue to strengthen your faith and nourish your spirit. May the Lord continue to illuminate your path through His Word and fill you with His unfailing love. God bless you abundantly! Amen!