Faustino de Jesús Zamora VargasForbidden to forget if it is about what God has done in our life. Experiencing the will of God also implies keeping in mind at every moment the times that his hand has been on us, his blessings, the answered prayers, the dreams come true by his amazing grace.
The people passed the Jordan test and now the Lord orders Joshua to choose 12 men and each one to extract a stone from the Jordan to build an altar that would serve as a reminder to God's people of his miracles and wonders. "Let this be a sign between you, and later when your children ask: 'What do these stones mean to you?" (Joshua 4.6). Josué himself answers the question. They will tell their children that in the presence of God - the Ark of the Covenant - the waters were divided, the people crossed to the other shore and these stones will be a reminder of his mercy and grace in favor of his people.