God speaks today Sunday | March 10, 2024

The fear of the LORD prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened. (Proverbs 10:27)
For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's. (Romans 14:8)
Charles Spurgeon

The fear of the Lord leads to virtuous habits

The fear of the Lord leads to virtuous habits which prevent wasting life through sin and vice. Trust in God helps calm the mind during sickness, and a long life is possible if it is for our good. Whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord, and true prolongation of life is using each hour for the highest purposes. Read more...

Cross Reference

According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death. (Philippians 1:20)
For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee. (Proverbs 3:2)
For by me thy days shall be multiplied, and the years of thy life shall be increased. (Proverbs 9:11)
It shall be accomplished before his time, and his branch shall not be green. (Job 15:32)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : I hope and wish to always fear you my LORD.
What a beautiful reflection, Enrique! The fear of the Lord, as Charles Spurgeon mentions, guides us toward virtuous habits that lead us to a full life and communion with God. As it says in Proverbs 10:27, "The fear of the Lord multiplies the days," which shows us that living in reverence for the Lord brings us blessing and longevity. May we live each day with that holy fear that brings us closer to our Creator. Blessings on your walk of faith, Enrique!
Johny Martínez : Conduct overflowing with virtues fills our spirit with love, faith, hope and strength
What a beautiful comment, Johnny! It is true that when we cultivate virtuous habits, as Charles Spurgeon mentions, our spirit is filled with the virtues that come from God. As Romans 14:8 says, "If we live, we live for the Lord," reminding us that every aspect of our lives should be dedicated to glorifying God. May the conduct full of virtues that you cultivate continue to strengthen your faith and be a testimony of the love of God in your life. May you continue to be a light in this world, Johny!
Johny Martínez : Amen and amen.
Amen, Johnny! May your heart continue to be strengthened in faith and may your life always reflect the glory of God. As Charles Spurgeon reminds us, in his words about prolonging life in fear of the Lord, living for Him is our greatest blessing. May you continue walking in that faith that fills you with hope and strength. God bless you, Johnny!
Francisco Diaz S.: In today's message Charles S. invites us to maintain a positive mind even in the most delicate moments of our life when there is fear of losing it. - It is amazing to see how a cancer patient is freed from his illness and recovers having a positive mind.- Say the disease will not defeat me, I will defeat the disease in the name of Jesus.- I say it properly, I went through that
Francisco, thank you for sharing your testimony and reflection on the importance of maintaining a positive mind even in the midst of adversity. As Charles Spurgeon mentions, trusting in God and having unwavering faith can bring healing and peace to our lives. Your personal experience is a powerful reminder that in Christ we can overcome any illness or difficulty. As Spurgeon says, "The true prolongation of life is to live while we live," and you are a living example of that. May your testimony continue to be light and hope for others, Francisco. God bless you abundantly!
Ruth Vives.: The good Christian honors God in virtue.
What a beautiful truth you have shared, Ruth. Praying to God with faith and virtue is a fundamental part of our relationship with Him. As Charles Spurgeon mentions, the fear of the Lord leads us to virtuous habits that nourish our spiritual life. To commend ourselves to God in prayer, as it says in Romans 14:8, is to live for Him in every aspect of our existence. May your life of prayer and virtue continue to be a reflection of God's love and grace. May God continue to strengthen you in your walk, Ruth!
Sabino Marroquín López.: My faith, my trust, and my hope is in GOD, because he gives me intelligence and wisdom, amen.
What a beautiful statement of faith, Sabino. Trusting God, as you mention, is the basis of our intelligence and true wisdom. As Charles Spurgeon reminds us, the fear of the Lord guides us toward virtuous habits that bring us closer to the true wisdom that comes from God. May your faith and trust in Him continue to strengthen your walk and may His wisdom guide you in every step you take. May God continue to bless you with His light and understanding. Amen!
Juan luis : EXCELLENT
What a joy to read your comment, Juan Luis. We are encouraged to know that you found today's devotional and verses excellent. How wonderful it is to be able to reflect on the wisdom and grace of God manifested in His Word! May you continue to be edified and strengthened in your faith. God bless you abundantly!
Alba Fuentes : Amen, glory to God, there is no doubt that the fear of God separates us from sin, death and gives us eternal life, it frees us from many problems, amen 🙏❤️
What beautiful words, Alba. Your comment reflects a deep understanding of the importance of the fear of the Lord in our lives, as Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional. The fear of the Lord separates us from sin and brings us closer to the eternal life we ​​have in Christ Jesus. May that reverence and love for God continue to guide your steps and fill your life with peace and blessing. Glory to God for His redeeming love! 🙏❤️