God speaks today Monday | March 4, 2024

The LORD also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the LORD will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel. (Joel 3:16)
And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou son of David, have mercy on me. (Mark 10:48)
Ernst Diehl

In the Darkness, Cry Out

In times of struggle, the Lord is our unwavering refuge, offering peace, strength, and guidance. Trust in Him, seek His comfort, and know that His love and protection are always there for you. Read more...

Cross Reference

And he said, The LORD will roar from Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the habitations of the shepherds shall mourn, and the top of Carmel shall wither. (Amos 1:2)
The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining: (Joel 2:10)
For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken, Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel; (Ezekiel 38:19)
He shall dwell on high: his place of defence shall be the munitions of rocks: bread shall be given him; his waters shall be sure. (Isaiah 33:16)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Thank you for knowing that I have refuge in you my LORD
What a beautiful recognition, Enrique! In the words of Ernst Diehl, "Seeking comfort in the Lord means recognizing that our problems will not disappear instantly but understanding that we do not face them alone." It is comforting to know that in the midst of our struggles, the Lord is our immovable refuge, our strength. May your faith in Him continue to guide and strengthen you at all times. Blessings!
Claudio Rojas : Thank you for sending the word of God
What a joy to know that the word of God has reached you, Claudio! As Ernst Diehl mentions, "The Lord stands as an immovable refuge for his people, demonstrating his enduring promise." May that word continue to provide you comfort, strength and direction on your path. God bless you!
Samuel Cuadros Acosta : Thank you, brothers, for the very timely biblical reflection for my life in this time of great affliction for my daughter Siloè, who renews my faith and hope on Shadaya through the merits of Christ Jesus and his Word, which is infallible. He is our refuge, blind Bartimaeus. it inspires me...
Samuel, your words are moving. In times of distress, it is comforting to remember that, as Ernst Diehl mentions, "He provides us with his guidance, unconditional love and protection, assuring us that, no matter the circumstance, we are in his care." May the faith that drives you to cry out like Bartimaeus continue to strengthen you and renew your hope in the Lord, our safe refuge. May the peace that defies all logic surround you and may His eternal love sustain you in this difficult time. May God be with you and strengthen you and your daughter Siloè!
Maria de Lourdes jarrin: I am living the protection of the Blessed Father. Only by the hand of love my husband is recovering. Only through his blind hand of mercy we have had peace in the midst of the storm. Only because of his powerful hand did the doctors do excellent work. Only his mantle of love has sheltered us in the midst of pain and uncertainty. Only his Holy Spirit has kept us firm in faith in Him. Our Beloved Father does not leave us nor abandon us. Thank you to Him. His will is good, pleasant and perfect. Thank you Dad for being our strength for being our Dad our Abba Father.
What a powerful testimony, Mary of Lourdes! As you mention, it is wonderful to experience the protection and unconditional love of the Blessed Father in the midst of difficulties. Ernst Diehl reminds us that "In Him, we not only find refuge, but we are also assured of His perpetual guidance and an eternal love that never abandons us." May the peace that surpasses all understanding continue to reign in your home and may the strength of the Lord continue to sustain your husband in his recovery. May your faith in His good, pleasing, and perfect will be a beacon of hope in your life. God bless you abundantly!
Francisco Diaz S.: As the day dawns, let us place ourselves in the hands of the Lord to be our guide and our protection, and at dusk, when our body requires rest, let us thank God for his blessings and for the day we are ending.
What a beautiful reflection, Francisco. As Ernst Diehl mentions, placing our trust in the Lord as our guide and protection is essential. Remembering to be thankful for blessings at the end of the day is a beautiful act of gratitude to God. May His presence accompany you at every dawn and may His peace shelter you at dusk. May your faith in Him continue to strengthen you with every step you take. May God continue to bless you at all times!
Rosa Maria : May the Lord continue to fill your lives with wisdom, brothers, grateful to God for this Ministry that is a great blessing to those of us who receive these devotionals 🙏🏻 May God prosper you
Rosa Maria, your words are a beautiful reminder of the importance of seeking the wisdom and blessings of the Lord at all times. As you mention, these devotionals are a great blessing that brings us closer to the presence and love of God. May His wisdom continue to guide your steps and may His prosperity be evident in your life. May the peace and strength of the Lord always accompany you. May God continue to bless you abundantly!
José Miguel Muñoz Guevara : It is comforting and a light to read the biblical passages, and the interpretation fills us with joy and makes us reflect, thank you.
José Miguel, your words reflect the joy and reflection that the Word of God offers us, as well as the interpretation that brings us closer to His love and wisdom. As Ernst Diehl mentions, in those moments of Bible reading we find comfort and guidance, reminding us that the Lord is our immovable refuge. May the light of His Word continue to illuminate your path and may the joy of His love fill your heart. May God continue to bless you and guide you on your journey of faith!
Edgar Gonzalo : Words of encouragement, to take refuge in the Lord in the face of every difficulty that gives us strength and hope to move forward, overcoming all difficulties with the help and direction of the Lord God almighty.
Edgar Gonzalo, your words reflect the strength and hope we find when we take refuge in the Lord in the midst of difficulties. As you mention, the help and direction of the almighty God sustain us and strengthen us to move forward. In the words of Ernst Diehl, we recognize that placing our hopes in Him assures us that His plans for us overcome any challenge. May the presence of the Lord continue to be your refuge and may His direction be your constant guide. May you continue to find strength and hope in His unfailing love!
Sabino Marroquín López: Revelations and dreams: they please and make me happy, because they guide me along the path of the Lord, thank you, my GOD, amen.
Sabino Marroquín López, it is beautiful to see how revelations and dreams guide you along the path of the Lord and fill you with happiness. As Ernst Diehl mentions, trusting in the Lord as our refuge requires an act of faith where we place our hopes in Him. May divine revelations continue to illuminate your path and may dreams bring you closer and closer to God's will for your life. May His love and wisdom guide your every step. God bless you and continue to reveal Himself in your journey of faith!
Ruth Vives.: Faith in God becomes difficult at times for the Christian. But, God has a way out. God bless you. Amen.
Ruth Vives, your words reflect the reality that sometimes faith in God can be challenging, but as Ernst Diehl mentions, in those difficulties is when we must take refuge in the Lord the most. As the devotional puts it, in the midst of struggles we find unbreakable refuge in the Lord, who offers us peace and strength. In those difficult moments, may you find comfort in the certainty that God has a way out of every situation. May His love and guidance be your strength in the midst of any challenge. May God bless you richly and sustain you in His unconditional love!
Rocío Trejo : Lord, you are my refuge, you are the oasis in the desert and you give me the certainty that you are always, always there for each one of us. Beautiful devotions. God bless you.
Rocío Trejo, your words reflect a deep connection with the Lord as refuge and comfort in the midst of adversity, just as Ernst Diehl expresses in his devotional. Recognizing God as our oasis in the desert is an invaluable reminder of His constant presence and unconditional love. May that certainty of God's continued presence fill you with peace and strength in every step you take. May His love continue to guide and sustain you at all times. May the blessing of the Lord continue to accompany you and strengthen you in your faith!