God speaks today Saturday | March 2, 2024

Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: (Psalm 139:23)
Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: (1 Peter 1:6)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

Formative times in the desert

Pain and sadness can prepare us to see the positive aspects of life and turn our attention to eternal things. The Bible shows how God uses sufferings and brokenness to prepare us for deeper understanding and growth. Our character, especially our heart, can either attract or take away the blessing of God. When our heart is tender and willing towards spiritual things, God is willing to favor and bless us. We should continually ask God to examine and perfect our hearts and personalities. Jabes's sad formation in childhood prepared him for a critical moment when he dared to conceive something different and pray to God for a better life. His prayer contains great spiritual values and a way for us to pray and turn to God. Read more...

Cross Reference

Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins and my heart. (Psalm 26:2)
Let me be weighed in an even balance that God may know mine integrity. (Job 31:6)
The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: but the LORD trieth the hearts. (Proverbs 17:3)
That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: (1 Peter 1:7)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Guide me along your path LORD.
Enrique Meneses Muñoz, your comment reflects a beautiful attitude of seeking God's guidance and direction in your life, as expressed in Psalm 139:23: "Search me, O God, and know my heart; Test me and know my concerns." Like the psalmist, it is important that we allow God to search our hearts and direct us in His path. Your desire to be guided by the Lord is a sign of humility and trust in His will. May God bless you as you seek His direction.
Oscar Cruz: Thank you for those beautiful meditations on the word of God, it is a great blessing for my life. God continue to bless and use you greatly.
Oscar Cruz, I am glad that you have found Dr. Roberto Miranda's meditation on the Word of God to be a source of blessing for your life. It is wonderful when the Word of God nourishes and strengthens us spiritually. Your gratitude and blessings to Dr. Roberto Miranda are very inspiring. May God continue to bless you and use you greatly in your walk with Him. May His light and guidance continue to illuminate your life!
Ruth Vives : When we recognize the presence of God in our lives he directs the path of truth and life. God bless you. Amen.
Ruth Vives, your words reflect a deep spiritual truth. Recognizing God's presence in our lives and allowing Him to direct our path is a wise and blessed decision. As you mention, God is the one who guides us on the path, reveals the truth to us and gives us life in abundance. May His blessing and guidance continue to accompany you in your daily walk. Amen!
Francisco Diaz S.: There are three kinds of Christians: the cold ones, the lukewarm ones and the hot ones. - The cold ones are those who admit the Lord but live their lives at their convenience, the lukewarm ones are those who admit the Lord, they go to worship meetings to pretend but their life following worldliness and the hot ones are those who truly seek the Lord, surrender and live according to his commandments. - Let us place ourselves on the third level so that we truly please the Lord.
Francisco Diaz S., your reflection on the different attitudes of Christians is very accurate. It is important that we seek to be like the "hot" Christians, those who sincerely seek the Lord, surrender to Him, and live according to His commandments. This total and sincere surrender is what truly pleases the Lord and brings us closer to a deeper relationship with Him. May we strive every day to be at that level of surrender and commitment to our Lord. May God be with you in your quest to please Him at all times!
Efigenia : This devotional, referring to the experience of Jabez, is broad and full of experiences of a spiritual order, to which your Eternal Father leads each one to unique experiences, of relevance to the formation of mature Christian character, in the walk with the Teacher of teachers, which allows us to see the transcendence and love of God, for those who seek him with a humble and fearful ❤️ of his Power and the manifestation of his glory in the life of the believer. As he did, with the numerous men and women that he used as testimonies and references in his walk with Christ. God bless you pastor Mira da.
Ephigenia, your comment reflects a deep understanding and appreciation of the devotional related to Jabez's experience. It is true that the Eternal Father takes us to unique and meaningful experiences to form our Christian and mature character in our walk with Him. By seeking Him with a humble and reverent heart, we can experience His transcendence and love manifesting in our lives. As you mention, God has used numerous men and women throughout history as testimonies of His glory. May God continue to bless you in your spiritual walk and in your search for His presence and purpose in your life. May His grace and love be with you always!
Luz Mery : Devotionals are a great blessing 🙏
Luz Mery, I am glad to know that the devotionals are a source of blessing for you. It is wonderful when the Word of God and spiritual reflections nourish us and strengthen us in our faith. May you continue to find inspiration and strength in every devotional you read. May the peace and grace of God continue to accompany you on your spiritual walk. Blessings on your journey of faith! 🙏
CLAUDIA M: Thank you for sending me the devotional, it is food for my spirit, it gives me great joy to receive it from you. God bless you always and affirm your Faith!!!
Claudia M, it is beautiful to know that the devotional is spiritual food for you and that it fills you with joy to receive it. May God's blessing continue to accompany you and strengthen your faith through these readings and reflections. May His presence and love continue to illuminate your spiritual path. May the peace of God remain with you always! Blessings in abundance to you! 🙏